Chapter Sixteen: His Warmth

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   Chapter Sixteen: His Warmth

   We drove for about twenty minutes. And in that twenty minutes I was able to change the radio twice. Get yelled at for changing the radio, twice. Ask if we were lost, since we seemed to be driving though thick forest and not the main road. And change the radio a third time. I also got yelled at. A third time.

   "There should be a CD in the glove box. Find something you like and stop touching my damn radio." Darren huffed rolling his eyes. I sat forward popping the box open and shuffled through the CD's until I found one that I knew, and liked. Soon Fall out Boy's Irresistible blasted through out the whole car.

   After another five minutes of driving Darren stopped that car and took the keys out. I looked out the window and noticed we were parked in front of a small house that was brightly lit up inside. The smell of beer and other alcohol was potent in the air. Along with the stench of sweat and musk.

   "Where are we?" I asked as we both opened our doors and lifted from the small car.

   "This. This is Blackfoot Pub. Only pub open to super natural's. And The only pub in this area that serves alcohol that would actually get you drunk. You are going to drink your stress away."

   I looked at him confused. "Wait. How come I've never heard of this alcohol before?"

   "You've lived such a sheltered life" He said sarcastically. "It's on a need to know basis and you didn't need to know." He said with a shrug. We got to the door and a tall man stood before it with a hard face. He stood over my 6'3 frame and Darren's 6'5. So I could only assume he was seven foot. His hard mask broke when his eyes landed on Darren though and a smile broke free.

   "D-Man! It's good to see you again! Didn't think you'd be in these parts anytime soon. Who's your friend?" The man asked with a slight German accent. I noticed then he had tattoos covering both his arms, and I'm sure there were tattoo's hidden behind his  tight black shirt.

   "Gunnar, it's nice to see you too. This is the Alpha I was telling you about."

   I glared up at Darren who wore his smug smirk on his face. I looked back to Gunnar, who was looking between us in amusement. "Alpha Silas of Autumn Falls."

   "Gunnar Dermit, Rouge from Dark Winters. Not crazy Rouge though. Good rouge. My exile wasn't my fault. More the Alpha's."

   "What do you mean?" I knew Alpha Victor well. He wasn't a mean man. But he wasn't known to be very fair either. I've heard of him demoting wolves to Omegas for not following popper training techniques.

   "I fucked Roman a couple time and he found out. Apparently having relations with the Beta if your not mated is a no, no' Would have been nice to know before hand." He said with a chuckle, obviously not holding any hard feelings for the events. Or none outerly. "Anyways. You guys enjoy yourselves and don't do anything stupid, like fucking a Beta." He snorted gesturing us inside.

   I almost wanted to laugh at the irony of his statement. But I just left it be as Darren weaved thought the crowd of people, waving to a few before he sat us at a far table. The inside was just as I had pictured it. It looked like a log cabin, with wooden tables and chairs all over. We sat at a high round wooden table with two bar stools. The lights casted a nice orange glow over everybody. The place was pretty packed, But I could see only Werewolves around. I also caught the scent of a few vampires coming from the upper floor. But I wasn't about to walk up there.

   "So this is were you go on your free time. Not just Hypnotic?"

   "Nah. I only went to Hypnotic twice. Humans aren't very fun when you're sober." He said nonchalantly as the waiter came over.

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