Chapter Twenty: I'm Still Your Brother

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Chapter Twenty: I'm Still Your Brother

   I woke up the next morning alone. Or at least I thought I was alone until I turned over and came face to face with Star's sleeping face. His mouth wide open, hair covering his face loosely. Light huffs of his breath hit my chest.

   I yawned and turned onto my other side. I looked up at my nightstand and jumped into a sitting position when I saw the time on the clock. It was fifteen minutes past eight.

   I pushed the blankets off me, careful not to take them off Star. I was just about the plan my feet on the floor when I saw a note on my nightstand.

   Elis and I are covering training.

   Star wanted to sleep with you last night.

   Breakfast in the warmer


   I groaned and laid myself back down in the covers. Curling into the blankets again I let myself drift back to sleep.


   I woke up a second time to my body being shaken. I pride opened my eyes to a sleepy looking Star. He pointed towards the nightstand on his side. I leaned up on my elbows and saw my phone's small LED light blinking green. I groaned and reached for it.

   It was just past nine apparently, and I had a miscall and voice mail from Symon. laid back down and put my phone on the table beside me, before looking back over at Star. Who was now sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

   "Phone wake you up?"

   'yeah, like ten minutes ago. I was just to lazy to get you up'

   "Oh, how sweet of you." I chuckled before getting up. We both made our way downstairs and into the kitchen, where I opened the food warmer. Darren had eggs and toast under it. The eggs looked a little brown on the bottom. But I'll give him and B for trying.

   'What are we doing today?' Star asked before shoving a fork full of eggs in his mouth.

   "We're going to get dressed and head out to the clearing. You'll be joining the 12-4 training group. We just want to see where you are physically."

   Star nodded his head, a flash of excitement went through his eyes. Along with something else that I couldn't quit put my finger on.

   After we finished breakfast Star went upstairs to change while I hit the shower. But before I did I decided it was probably best to call Symon back. Knowing him he could be calling about either a panic attack, or great news like a new Dr. Phil episode.

   I pushed in his number on my cellphone and waited a few seconds before I heard a beep

   Hey this is Symon. Leave your name and I'll call you back.

   So I tried again.

   Hey this is Symon. Leave your name and I'll call you back.

   I sighed and then realized he was most likely with the training group. After the shower I made my way back downstairs and found Star waiting by the front door with a dark red T-shirt with the Spiderman logo on it and gym shorts. I smiled at him before we made our way out the door.

   "Race yea." I said eyeing the boy. He smirked and started running ahead.

   He was a fast kid I'd give him that. He ran fast, and jumped over rocks like it was no issue to him.

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