Chapter Twelve: What, Gay?

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Chapter Twelve: What, Gay?


Round 3

I kept seeing the note over and over again in my head, as if it were laughing me, mocking all my hard work. For weeks, No years. I've been trying to figure out who killed my mother. Days after sleepless nights I've spent up researching, digging into everything I can find. Only to come up with dead ends. And all he had to do was leave his boyfriends house and get knocked on the head. And we wakes up with a fucking clue.

Not that he knew it though. The confusion on his face told me that much.

I knew no one in that room believed me, The look of pity was disgusting. But I knew it. First it was my mother, then it was his mother and sister. And now it was us. But they wouldn't get us.

I wouldn't let them.

Knocking at my office door disturbed my train of thought, I mumble a come in as I shuffle papers on my desk. Symons smell hits me before he steps into the room. I look up to see his timid frame standing in the door way, he looks at his hands as stands there. I think out of everybody in this pack. Symon is the only one I pity. Jeremy had pre-warned me about what had happened to him.

"Hurry up, I'm busy." I say as I look back down at some papers. Something to do with pack finances.

"Um. I'm sorry. It's just that. You seemed upset and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I mean you know. I know what its like. To and extent."

I scoff before signing the paper in front of me and shoving it away. "Yeah okay. Expect my father sent me away when my mother died, and yours beat you. It's not the same thing Symon." I see him flinch out of the corner of my eye, but I'm shocked when he squares his shoulders and takes a deep breath.

"That's not what I meant." He says, his voice suddenly stronger then before. "What I meant was I know what it's like having your mother die and then finding out they were killed. I mean I found out almost right away. But it took you what? 24 years before you found out?"

"I knew before today she was murdered. Here." I say holding up a folder. "If you're going to stay here and chat you might as well come in and help me with this." I mutter, hating the fact I'm even letting him walk into my office. But there was something about Symon that no one else in this pack had. He was easy to talk to. He'd been through more then half of the people here, and yet he still walked around with his head high. Or at least kind of high.

He sits down in the chair against to mine before setting the folder on the table and opening it and skimming through it.

"So," He starts after a few minutes of pen scraping silence. "Are you and Silas getting along yet?"

I scoff again and let out a humorless chuckle. "No, we are not getting along. Frankly I can't stand the sight of him." He nods along reading the file in his hand.

After half an hour of silence and pen tapping Symon let out a sigh before looking up at me. "Look I've gotta ask-"

"No you don't, you just want to be nosey."

"Okay. Yes. But, he is my brother so it's my obligation to ask."

"What are you asking exactly?"

"You and Silas, you're.. You know." He gestured with his hands, but what he did was no sense. He waved his hands in front of him, like he was asking me to go.

I raised my eyebrow at him and tilted my head to the side "What, gay?"

"No! Well yeah. But I mean. You know what. Never mind, I'm probably just crazy."

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