Chapter Ten: Hulk Like

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Chapter Ten: Hulk Like

   I woke to a pounding headache, it felt like someone took a sledge hammer and smashed it into my head over and over again. I could tell there was light infront of me. So the idea of opening my eyes was pretty null.

   I moved my right arm over my eyes, groaning at the pressure that hit my skull.

   I heard the lights flick, the sound of footsteps desending down the stairs then the front door opening and closing. I moved my arm and slowly opened my eyes.

   A bit of light poured in from the curtain. I was layed on top of my king sized bed with the covers underneath me. The lights were indeed now switched off, and I was alone in the room- or as far as I could tell I was- I looked toward the near by night stand wincing at the pain it caused, and saw a glass of water and a piece of paper.

   Just as I was going to reach for it exonstion over took me and my eyes slowly shut and I was once again in closed into darkness.


   Waking up the second time wasn't as hard. my head still pounded but I could move without constant pain. I slowly pull myself into a sitting position. After a couple minutes I can finally stand up, I grab the water and the paper -sticking in my pocket- and make my way down the stairs.

   After about five minutes of wobbling and almost falling on my face I finally made it down the stairs and into the kitchen. Where I throw the water from the glass down the skin and grab a new cup, filling it up and drinking it down.

   The water does almost nothing to my parched throat, after drinking three more glasses I finally grab my cell phone which was thankfully left in my pocket and look at the date. The clock on the oven tells me it's 6:30 in the morning and my phone tells me it's April 25th.

   Two days after I left Lucca's house.

   I call Symon not caring about the time. I mean if I've been missing for two days he must be worried sick about me.

   "You better be dead or dying Silas I swear to god" Symon groans into the phone.

   "I've been missing for two days and that's how you pick up your phone?" I scoft rolling my eyes.

   "What are you talking about? You called me telling me you'd be out of town visiting the Diamond Runner Pack. You weren't missing"

   "Symon I need you to meet me in the I.T room ASAP. Call Elis, Darren and Dr. Victors as well." I say then hang up before rushing back upstairs to change my clothes and clean myself up a bit.

   Looking in the mirror I noticed my eyes are blood shot with dark blue rings hanging under them. My skin is clamy  and pale.  And my hair looks dull and flat almost like like a black hole.

   I made it to the office around 7:15. Having to take my time so I wouldn't fall over. My head had started to throb with every step I took making the normally 10 minute walk longer.

   "Silas, are you okay?" I hear Symon ask as I walk into the I.T. room. Looking around I see Darcy and Quin in there normal spots, along with Elis, Dr. Victors and Symon standing around the room. I nod to them all and slowly make my way to Darren's open desk.

   I mean because of course he's not here.

   "I need to make one thing clear" I state after clearing my throat. My voice still a little horse from lack of use. "I did not go to the Diamond Runner Pack. For all I know,  I have been laying in my bed for the last two days. After leaving Lucca's house on the 23rd, I was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. And I'm really curious to know how the attack on your Alpha went unnoticed" I say shifting my eyes to Quin and Darcy.

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