Chapter Eighteen: Give It A Try

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   Chapter Eighteen: Give It A Try

   The next morning I went to the cells with a bag of bagels and hot chocolate. Why? No clue. But I figured the kid would be hungry.

   Darren could starve.

   But the kid might be hungry.

   I got to the cells by just after eight in the morning. I looked through the glass of the metal door and was almost shocked at what I'd seen.

   Darren sat cross legged on the floor in front of the cell that held the boy. Star sat across from him on the other side. Around them was crumpled paper. Star pointed to an open notebook in his lap, then signed something with his hands. Darren signed it back to him. His lips moved, and then a small smile formed on the boys lips.

   I opened the door and stepped inside. I had expected them to jump apart, or at least stand up.

   But they both stayed on the floor, Star writing something down and Darren trying to look at the notepad.

   "What are you guy doing?" I asked handing Star a hot chocolate. He looked at it in his hands. Sniffed it. Made a face, then opened the lid and licked the liquid with his tongue. I raised an brow and watched as he took a sip. Seemingly okay with the taste.

   "I figured I should be able to tell what he's saying. So he's teaching me sign language. It's not as hard as I thought it would be." Darren said with a shrug. I looked back to Star, who mimicked Darren's actions.

   "Did you find anything out?"

   Darren got up and walked towards the metal door, gesturing me to follow. He gave Star a quick one sec and then closed the door behind us. "Well. He's twelve. He said he has no living family besides a brother that he's pretty sure is dead. He's a wolf, but he grew up with the shifters. He says they scare him. When he told me that he started to cry. That was around five this morning. I told him he's safe here. He'll be in the safe house when they show up. He told me the leaders names are Charles and Ray. He also said there was no plan on a fight. But they could have just been telling him that. He also gave me this."

   Darren dug into his front pocket and held up a small clear vile with clear liquid in the bottom. "He says they use this to hide there scent. You add a dab to your wrist and neck and you'll be scent free for at least two hours."

   "And why is he telling us that all now and not last night?"

   Darren shrugged, and propped himself against the wall. "The kid was scared shitless and brought into something he had no part of. All I had to do was tell him he was safe and wouldn't be going back and he spilled like a can of beans. He isn't a teenager, he isn't an adult. He's a kid. He doesn't want to be involved. He shouldn't be involved." I heard the deep emotion in his voice.

   The man has feelings. I'm shocked

   After that Darren went back to Star and I went back next door, first I dropped of the vile to Quin, who was just on his way to the lab to see Victors and would drop it off for me. And then I went into my office. I had searched it and nothing was missing. It was obvious that Star had showed up alone. I was hoping Darren would find out why soon.

   Charles. The name had a familiar ring to it. Like I had heard it before. Of course, it wasn't an uncommon name. So the thought was probably nothing.

   I looked up from the desk when I heard a knock at the door. Lucca walked in, he had on a blue knitted sweater with black jeans. His blonde hair swept to the side. He sat in the chair across from mine and looked at his hands for a moment before he started talking.

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