Chapter Twenty-Five: Relax

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   Chapter Twenty-Five: Relax

   "I really don't know where to begin." I said. I was sitting in a small metal room, that only had a steel desk, and two chairs on each side.

   I looked across the small table to Lucca, who sat with a blank face, and his hands in his lap. His brown eyes looked almost glazed over, dark and empty. His blond hair was finger brushed to his head, but it still frizzed in most places.

   "I don't know what to tell you Silas. You know pretty much everything anyways." Lucca mumbled.

   "No, I don't know everything. I don't know how you got in contact with these people, I don't know what possessed you to think killing your family was a good idea. I don't know why you'd lie to us, to me. Enlighten me Lucca."

   Lucca let out a shaky breath before lowering his head. "I was ten. I was in the nearby town with some friends, when a kid pulled me off to the side. He said he needed to talk to me. Like any dumb ten year old I followed him. He led me to Charles." He shook his head, I could see the muscles in his arms flexing as he balled his hands into  fists over and over again.

   "Did you know, a golden wolf knows that they're golden, before they phase? Mama used to always tell me about how she knew her wolfs colours from day one. She felt  stronger, had more fight in her. She could always run faster, jump higher. She was like super woman. But, I never felt it. I knew I wasn't golden. And she did too.

   They resented that. Mama and Dad wanted a golden wolf. They didn't want a plain brown wolf who couldn't keep up with their pack. That's when they had Alistair."

   You could hear the venom when he said Star's given name. Lucca paused before looking back up at me, his eyes somehow seeming darker.

    "Charles told me that they were going to turn me Rouge when I was of age. That Alistair was going to save my pack from any enemy." He rolled his eyes, his voice getting darker. "That wasn't fair. I was the oldest. I was the one people where supposed to look up to. Not him, not a baby. Charles showed me what to do. Said he would keep me safe. If they made me Rouge I'd die out there. You know what other creatures do to someone without a pack. We're dead. No one would miss me."

   I watched as Lucca's eyes glazed over. He looked around the room, avoiding my gaze as a single teat fell from his eyes. "I wanted to be missed. I wanted them to miss me.. But they wouldn't. They had Ali He was their golden child."

   "Of course it wasn't a good idea." Lucca continued. "I knew when morning came everyone would know it was me. Charles and his men had helped me escape, and then they took their own turn on the pack. From what I heard no one survived. And until a few days ago, I believed them."

   I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing. The man across from me wasn't the man I knew. He held no guilt for what he did to his family or his pack. He shed tears, but they weren't tears for them. They were tears for himself. Tears of getting caught.

   I couldn't look at him. I had to get up and leave. I nodded to Elis and Shepard who stood outside of the door. They would put Lucca back into his cell.

   I desisted I would get Darren to figure out what to do with Lucca. With the past I had with him, I couldn't bring myself to deal death to him. Even though I knew that was exactly what Darren would do. I couldn't be the one saying it.

   I made my way outside and walked down the street to the office building. It was a beautiful day out, it was warm, but there was still a satisfying breeze. Plus not a cloud in sight.

   Once I got to the building I made my way to my office, and was surprised to see Darren and Star standing in front of my door. Darren wore his normal, muscle shirt, this time in light blue, and jeans. And Star wore a black hoody, despite the heat, and green skinny jeans. They weren't talking, they both just stood there with their arms crossed over their chests.

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