Chapter Seventeen: Cells

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   Chapter Seventeen: Cells


   I didn't follow him.

   There was that small piece of me that wanted to follow behind him and, I don't know. Comfort him? But the larger part of me said fuck it. And I drove back to pack lands.

   I rolled my eyes at Edwin -The guard on gate- When he stopped my car. Honestly if humans saw that they had a guard out here they would be suspicious. Soon you'd have people lining up in the mountains to see UFO's because they think we're part of some government shit.

   Really the only thing the government does for us is lessen our land tax since technically we were here first.

   I pulled into Jeremy's driveway and slammed the car door behind me.

   My eyes turned into slits with I opened the door and saw Jeremy sitting on the couch with Max. Both men had books in there hands. That I could only assume were photo albums from the pictures scattered on the coffee table.

    "What's he doing here?" I asked as I stepped my foot on the first stair.

    "Max called last night. I invited him over this morning. Dare are you ok? You're not looking to good." Jeremy had a sound of mock concern in his voice. I just shrugged it off. Waving my hand towards him as I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom.

   In there I stripped my clothes. Not liking the feel of two day old clothes on my skin. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair before I left the room again.

   Checking the phone from my pocket I saw it was almost three. They should just be finishing up combat and going for the run. I could make it just before group three if I took my time.

   I made my way downstairs again and went into the kitchen. Jeremy and Max still sat on the couch laughing at something in the book in front of them. I paid them no mind as I went to the fridge to get milk for Kraft Dinner.

   "I can remember Roddy making Marsh and Sam jump into the lake not far from here in the dead of winter. What was it called? No mans?" Max asked. I tried to ignore them. But knowing the lake they were talking about, and knowing it was named after Marshall I couldn't help but poke my nose into it.

   "Back then it was No Mans. Couple years after the accident Rodrick changed it to Lake Marshall sense he liked spending his time there. Shame they're all gone now. Julie would love to meet Scott and Declin." Jeremy said. They both fell silent after that.

   After I was done eating I stepped into the living room to see both men watching TV.

   "Don't you have a mate to go to or something?" I asked Max who eyes didn't leave the TV.

   "Scott took Dec for a father son day. So I'm a free man tell.." He ripped his eyes from the TV and looked at his watch before looking back. "At least five. Said he was bring home dinner so I don't have to cook 'em anything"

   I nodded before looking at Jeremy. He looked at peace with his old friend. I'd almost expect him to be a blubbering mess on the floor reliving old memories.

   I made my way out of the house and jogged towards the clearing. I was close enough that I could hear people talking. But I stopped when I saw Symon sitting by himself.

   Normally I wouldn't be overly worried. I mean the guys a loner anyways. But he should be helping everyone with there training.

"What's up?" I asked him. He was pulled into himself. You could almost not see the black numbers on his purple shirt. His light brown hair fell over his pale face. His arms wrapped around his chest.

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