Welcome to Tokyo

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I'm literally so excited for this story, I haven't seen any Olympic au books before so this is definitely an original idea :) enjoy!!!

Italics are thoughts :)))


3rd Person P.O.V.

George was uncomfortable, to say the least.

The England native had never seen so many people in his life. They were all gathered on the central green of the Tokyo Olympic village, milling about aimlessly and waiting for direction.

George never was good with crowds, especially not when there was a language barrier between him and a large amount of the competitors.

He looked around, trying to point out a few of the teams to calm himself. Ok, that looks like Team USA...

And sure enough, when George looked closer at some of the group, they did indeed have the American stars and stripes displayed proudly on their chests.

One of the athletes was a tall, lean, slightly muscular blond man, standing and talking with a few of his teammates. George watched the man for a moment, squinting at his distant appearance. It was difficult to make out any specific facial features, but the man didn't seem particularly ugly, George supposed.

Surrounding the blond man were three shorter men, the tallest of the three having brown fluffy hair. The other two were shorter, one with black hair and a white bandana, and the other with a beanie. They all looked fairly athletic, but hey- this is the Olympics, after all.

George didn't realize he was staring at the group until the blond man turned and looked at him, tilting his head curiously. George froze, eyes widening.


Quickly, the brunette turned away, hiding his blushing face and trying to move through the crowd. Considering he was 5'6, sneaking through didn't prove to be too much of a challenge for the young gymnast.

George made it to the edge of the spacious green, seeing how groups of athletes were starting to be called away and brought into the large, very rectangular surrounding buildings. He waited until he was called to join a group before moving.

"All male gymnasts, to the green building!" A voice crackled over a loudspeaker, catching George's attention. The phrase was repeated in a few more languages before quieting again. George mentally facepalmed, sighing.

Green building...?

Yes, it was true that the buildings each had a color-coded sign on the side, and nice universal language to help athletes of all nationalities find their way.

Well, all athletes except colorblind ones. Which, unfortunately for George, meant he had to ask a very awkward question to a random stranger.

After getting a weird look and some helpful directions, George was on his way to joining the rest of the male gymnasts.

Once they were together, the group was led into a long hallway. Each athlete was directed into their respective rooms, taking up the entire length of one side of the hall. The other side hadn't been assigned yet, but that didn't really matter much, did it? George wasn't planning on leaving his room except for events, choosing instead to stay isolated and protected from the world.

So, it wouldn't matter what sport ended up on the other side of the hall, because George didn't care. He was here for one reason and one reason only: to compete in the Olympics. He honestly didn't give a rat's ass about the things that most Olympic athletes looked forward to- food, relationships, the "Olympic experience"- no, George just wanted to compete and then go home afterward. Simple.

George sighed, looking around at the room he would be spending the next week or so living in. It was fairly small, but not so small that it would be uncomfortable. There was one bed, not a twin but not exactly a queen either. It was more of a full sized mattress, covered with a comforter that George assumed to be green.

In addition to the bed, there was a medium sized tv mounted to the opposite wall. The remote sat on a nightstand, along with a cheap-looking lamp.

The best feature of the room, hands down, was the personal bathroom. This was George's second Olympics, and he didn't have a personal bathroom the last time. This Olympic village was more of a mid-range hotel-style rather than the college dorm-style of years past.

All in all, the room was quite nice. George could definitely handle spending a week in this place.

Nodding in approval, George began unpacking some of his things, putting toiletries in his bathroom and hanging up his costumes and leotards so they wouldn't wrinkle too much. Other than that, he didn't really need to unpack the rest of his things.

Satisfied, George laid on the bed, letting his tired eyes droop shut. After the long day of travel and confusion, he needed this. He fell asleep easily, drifting off into his own personal world of dreams.

I dont think I mentioned this yet but there will be a few chapters that are more uneventful (aka filler) in the beginning, just to lay down a foundation before we get to the good shit 😍😍

Also!!! Dont forget to follow me, I really appreciate it <3

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