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I just wanna read fanfics but I'm so tired rn so ig its bedtime

Anyways I update this so regularly and I'm really proud of myself, even when I'm super busy at my cousins house I still update damnnnnn


Niki and George finished eating, mostly in silence. George was deep in thought, while Niki was trying not to push him too far. It had been a long day, and it was only early afternoon, George deserved a break.

"You ready to head back now?" She questioned, paying the check. George sighed, nodding and standing up.

"Let's go."


3rd Person P.O.V.

Dream got out of the pool, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist. He had just finished his early morning practice, the last one before his first race tomorrow. He was excited, of course, but the idea of going out and racing in front of a live tv audience was a little nerve wracking. Dream wasn't always the most confident with his appearance, especially not with a crowd.

Despite all that, he was still looking forward to being on the world's stage, (hopefully!) showing off his skills to millions of viewers. He loved that part of it.

Dream pulled off his swim cap, tossing it in his bag along with his goggles. He towel dried his hair, letting the damp strands fall, framing his face messily. Dream dried himself off more, draping the towel around the back of his neck, just as he had done the night before.

The thought brought a smile to his face. George had been so flustered to see him...

George. Dream wondered what the brunette was doing right now. He had left for practice so early in the morning that there was no way George had been awake yet... but he probably was by now.

Dream headed back to the Olympic village, a certain gymnast on his mind. And when he turned on the tv, it was almost as if fate read his mind.

"Gymnastics!" He exclaimed quietly, settling into his bed to watch with fascination as the male gymnasts did their vaults. He saw a bunch- France, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Germany...

"Next up we have George Davidson, for team Great Britain! Now, he has a bit of history, actually. At the 2016 Rio games, he completely flopped during the qualifiers and was disqualified early on," a female reporter announced.

"Well, then hopefully this year will be different for him! Let's see!" The announcers finally shut up, and Dream could see George standing out on the mat. He looked so small out there...

He raised his arms above his head, facing the crowd. Then, turning to the vault, he started running, jumped on the springboard, and did one of the most flawless vaults Dream had ever seen.

He even landed perfectly. This boy was impressive. Dream had watched a lot of Olympic gymnastics over the years, and George's performance was probably one of the best he'd ever seen.

And this was just the qualifiers. Imagine what he could do in the finals... it gave Dream chills just thinking about it.

The blond watched the rest of the qualifier rounds with fascination as the day went on. He cheered for George within the confines of his room, eyes practically glued to the smaller version of him on the screen.

And when the qualifiers were done, and the scores were tallied, Dream did a little dance around the room. George had qualified in almost all of his events! Sure, maybe he missed pommel horse, but he still performed so well today and Dream was certainly proud of the brunette.

Dream sat back down on his bed, leg bouncing excitedly as he thought of how happy George must be with his scores. He would probably celebrate it, and if he just came back to his room, Dream would certainly offer to help him celebrate his success.

But after half an hour had passed, and George still hadn't returned, Dream figured he was enjoying himself elsewhere. And he should, George obviously deserved it. So Dream eventually calmed down from his excitement, and can usually watched some random other events that were on.

And there he stayed, until he heard a somewhat familiar voice in the hallway, getting closer to his room. Dream knew it had to be George, and quickly ran to his window to see the brunette, grinning from ear to ear.

His smile quickly dropped, however, when he saw George talking and laughing with a girl. They seemed to be really close... maybe Dream had been wrong from the beginning, and George was already taken. I mean, it wasn't that surprising, George was hot.

But still, he couldn't help but feel a tug of jealousy when George and the girl hugged at his door. Dream finally gave a good look at her, and she was pretty, with medium length blond hair and a happy smile. She waved at George as he closed the door, then left to, presumably, wherever she was staying the night.

Sighing, Dream retreated from the window, feeling a bit rejected. He knew he shouldn't have been spying on them, but he just didn't want to run out and congratulate George while there was someone else there... and risk making it awkward or ruining the moment. He could've done that better, he supposed, but it didn't really matter in the long run. It's not like he was eavesdropping on their conversation or anything, just waiting til the girl left so he could be alone with George.

Geez, maybe I fell for him a little harder than I thought...

Yeah dumbass you think?

I need to stop commentating on my own story yikes 😬🖐

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