Practice Makes Perfect

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I started school today and I must say, I'm already ready to drop out!! This might just be a new record 😍😍

But fr I want summer back, my sleep schedule is so fucked up and I don't have the energy to care (although I did have a nice 3 hour nap after dinner lmao


"Alright, George. Sleep well, and I'll come get you at eight." Dream watched as George went across the hall to his room, offering up a shy wave before closing the door, leaving Dream still in the hallway.

George sighed, immediately collapsing on the bed. He was already wearing comfortable clothes, so he just closed his eyes and allowed sleep to overtake him.


3rd Person P.O.V.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Dream's alarm rang out, signalling to the blond that it was time to wake up. Yawning, Dream sat up, blinking sleepily, before swiping away the alarm.

There was a moment where confusion lay thick and heavy in the air, before realization set in. His first race was today! He needed to get ready. Dream hopped in the shower, doing a quick rinse and shaving everything. He didn't really need to do much else, except make sure he had everything for his big day.

So Dream patted himself dry, put on his bathing suit, grabbed his cap and goggles, then draped a dry towel over his shoulder. That would be enough, everything else was already at the swimming center.

Dream walked out of his room and across the hallway, knocking at George's door. There was nearly a minute of him just standing there awkwardly before George finally opened the door.

"Good morning George!" Dream greeted, smiling. The brunette nodded, yawning.

"Mhm. Gimme one sec." George closed the door, leaving Dream to wait in the hallway, but he didn't really mind. The boy had clearly just woken up. When he came to the door, George's hair was all ruffled and his voice was scratchy and maybe a bit lower than it would normally be.

Dream didn't want to admit it, but it was kinda hot.

He didn't have long to think about it, because George came back a few minutes later with a mini duffle bag and smoothed back hair. It was still a little wild, but Dream thought it was cute.

"Are we going to go or are you just gonna keep staring?" George deadpanned, looking mildly amused. Dream blushed, quickly turning away to try and hide it from George.

"Yeah, sorry, let's go. I'll drive." They walked out to the parking lot, George waiting for Dream before getting in the car.

"Thanks for this. I can't drive myself to any of the events, so this is nice," George remarked quietly. Dream glanced over at the gymnast, tilting his head.

"I should be the one thanking you, since you're coming to my race." George let out a chuckle, shaking his head.

"And you're coming to my second qualifiers. I think that's pretty even."

"Alright, fine. But just know, I'm happy to drive you anywhere you need to go. As long as I'm not swimming, just ask and I'll gladly drive," Dream offered.

"Simp," George giggled. Dream put a hand over his heart in mock offense, scoffing playfully.

"My dear Georgie, how could you say such a thing!" George rolled his eyes, gently pushing Dream back.

"Eyes on the road, idiot. You can't drive me places if we're dead."

"Feisty," Dream murmured, smiling at the playfulness of their interaction. The bond between them felt like years, rather than just a few days. It was nice.

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