Beam Final

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Its weird to think about but there's only a few chapters left of this book 😳🖐

After I finish it imma take a short break (again) before starting another mcyt book, probably work on some oneshots or on some of my unfinished books so I don't feel as stressed over unfinished works :/

TW: suggested symptoms of depression, mention of pills (pain meds)


"Is that good?" Dream wondered, holding the end of the bandage.

"Yeah, thanks." Dream nodded, taping the end down against George's side. He helped George get his hoodie back on, and they were finally ready to go.


3rd Person P.O.V.

Dream parked in the lot of the gymnastics center, giving George a hand and leading him inside. They were a little early, so it was easy to find good seats together. Dream was on George's left side, wrapping an arm around the brunette's shoulders.

With a soft smile, George leaned into Dream's side, moving his broken wrist into his lap so it wouldn't get in the way. They sat like this in silence, watching the gymnasts warm up.

Niki spotted them, grinning and waving excitedly. Dream and George waved back, George blushing because he knew Niki would bring up how he and Dream were sitting.

Neither of them moved away, though. Even when the competition started, Dream and George still stayed cuddled into each other's sides. They watched as each finalist performed their beam routine, clapping politely. Well, Dream clapped for them, anyway. George couldn't.

Finally, it was Niki's turn. She stepped up, hopping onto the beam and doing a handspring. She balanced on her hands, holding a split in the air.

George watched with jealous fascination as Niki performed her routine. She was perfect, never missing a beat or losing her footing. She dismounted from the beam, landing cleanly on the mat. Niki threw her arms up, grinning up at the crowd. Her gaze met George's for a moment, and he offered her a weak smile.

Niki was one of the last gymnasts to go, so the final was over soon after. The final scores were revealed, and Niki came in second overall. George felt numb. Part of him knew he should be proud of his best friend, be happy for her, but he just couldn't feel anything but jealousy. He wanted to be the one on that podium, holding up a silver medal while the crowd cheered and clapped for him.

Dream shook George's shoulder gently, smiling down at him. The brunette buried his head into Dream's shoulder, trying to keep himself together. It hurt. Not only physically, but emotionally, knowing that he had missed his opportunity to earn a medal. After dedicating his entire life to gymnastics... this is where he ended up.

George sighed, turning his head so he could watch Niki on the podium. Today wasn't about him, it was about Niki. And she had performed her beam routine spectacularly.

Dream and George stayed back, letting the crowd clear out a little before they went to see Niki. They met her out in the hallway, Dream speaking up first.

"Congratulations! That was really good, Niki, George and I thought you were amazing," he said earnestly, squeezing George's hand gently. George squeezed Dream's hand back, smiling at the blond.

"Thanks, guys, I didn't know you were coming today!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up a little. Niki's expression became more serious and sympathetic. "Speaking of, George, how are you feeling?" Her voice had softened considerably, and George frowned. He didn't want to be treated like he was fragile.

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