It's Not a Date

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Y'all enjoying the fluff? I'm gonna catch y'all so off guard, just wait (or maybe I'm just teasing y'all and this is actually just a fluff book 😳✌ who knows?)

I'm listening to vibrant eyes by CG5 rn and its really good (as expected, CG5 is amazing) but I just really like this one (if you want my playlist, look up "subspace bubble" on spotify :)


"Here, this is good, let's sit," he decided, plopping down in a seat. Dream followed suit, sitting next to George. They were still holding hands, fingers intertwined. Neither brought attention to it, pretending to ignore the fact that they were holding hands with each other.

"Welcome to women's gymnastics qualifiers!"


3rd Person P.O.V.

George jumped up, pulling Dream to his feet to cheer. Their hands were still interlocked, held above George's head in celebration. Niki had just finished her final event, the beam qualifier. She looked up at George, grinning and waving to him. She was finished, but there were still a few more gymnasts left to perform on beam.

George sat back down, and Dream obviously followed suit. They had yet to discuss this small gesture, and neither one really wanted to, either. They'd rather just live in the moment now.

While waiting for the results of Niki's qualifiers, Dream and George chatted about their events.

"I have to get up early again tomorrow," Dream mused, sighing. "I have 200 free semis." George hummed, nodding.

"I actually don't have anything for a few days. I have my floor final next, but it's still four days out," George explained. "Although I do have some practice training on one of the in between days. And I'm probably going to see all of Niki's events I can get to."

"Well, if you ever need something to do, I'm usually open. Just as long as I'm not training or at an event," Dream added.

"I could always just go with you to the events," George shrugged. The blond smiled, the light blush on his cheeks gone unnoticed.

"Yeah," he agreed. "You could."

After the results had come in, the scores tallied, Niki was in good standing. She had qualified in all three of her events- beam, vault, and uneven bars. Of course, being her best friend, George was elated. And Dream was happy as well (mostly because George still hadn't let go of his hand), and was glad he had agreed to go. They met up with Niki in the hallway afterwards, George excitedly introducing them.

"Niki!" George dropped Dream's hand to hug her, giggling softly. "That was so good, your beam routine was amazing!" He gushed, letting her go.

"Thanks, George," Niki grinned, gaze shifting to the tall blond standing behind her friend. Whispering, she asked: "Is that him?" George shushed her, nodding with a light blush.

"Niki, this is Dream. Dream, Niki," he introduced. The two shook hands, smiling politely at the other.

"You were great out there," Dream complimented, earning a grin from Niki.

"Thank you, and what do you do?" She asked. George had talked about him, but she didn't know everything.

"Swimming. Freestyle, mostly," Dream responded. Niki glanced at George, raising an eyebrow smugly. She knew George had never really cared much for swimming.

"That's cool! I had lunch with a swimmer earlier, a friend of mine," Niki mentioned. She turned to George, looking apologetic. "Sorry I missed your events, George, but I'm sure you were great."

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