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This chapter was about to be twice as long as it is now but thank god I edited my chapter layout cause that would've been like 3000 words 😩🖐

Also I've been listening to bo burnham the whole time I wrote this chapter (I only bring it up bc I have difficulty focusing on other things when listening to him) so um... I don't edit so whatever weird unexplainable shit you see just tell me and I can fix it

TW: pills (pain meds)


"Yeah yeah, you win. Congrats, George," Dream shook his head, grinning at the smaller boy. George smiled back at him, leaning against Dream with a soft giggle.

Maybe things were going to be ok.


3rd Person P.O.V.

Today was the day Dream was scheduled to go home. His flight was at noon, and his room was supposed to be given up for one of the week two athletes. He had a choice to make, stay here with George, or head back home to Florida as if nothing happened.

And of course, Dream being the simp he is, chose to stay. He just had to pack up his things and stay somewhere else.

"George," Dream whispered, shaking the sleeping boy's shoulder. "George, wake up." The brunette refused to stir, nose twitching in his sleep.

"George," Dream repeated, a little louder. George whined a little in his sleep, eyebrows furrowing before he finally opened his eyes.

"What?" His accent was thicker, his voice deeper with sleep. Dream couldn't help but smile at the boy sleepy boy.

"I'm getting kicked out of the Olympic village today, so we need to get out of here," he explained quickly.

"We can go to my room then," George murmured, closing his eyes again. Dream shook him gently, lightly tapping his cheek.

"You can't go back to bed until we get over there, ok? I'll get you some painkillers and starting packing up my things." Dream got up out of bed, immediately turning and pointing at George accusingly. "You better not close your eyes. Stay awake, I can't carry you and all of my bags." George rolled his eyes, scoffing softly.

"Fine," he muttered, watching Dream with an annoyed expression. The blond returned with another glass of water and a few pills, which George gladly gulped down. He wasn't in as much pain as yesterday, thankfully, but the meds would certainly take off the edge. Dream went around the room, grabbing his things and shoving them in his bag. It didn't take long, considering he didn't really have all that much stuff with him in the first place.

"Ready to go?" Dream asked, shouldering his bag. George nodded, pushing himself into a sitting position. Dream grabbed George's hand, wrapping his other arm around the brunette's waist. They walked out of Dream's room and across the hall to George's room, Dream setting his stuff down while George sat on the side of the bed.

"I can walk by myself, you know. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did yesterday," he grumbled, cheeks flushed a light pink.

"I know." Dream smiled mischievously. "I just wanted to help you." George's eyebrows knitted together, eyes glancing down at the floor.

"I'm not useless just because I'm injured," he mumbled, frowning. Dream's smile dropped, walking up to the dejected boy and cradling his chin gently.

"George," he said softly, voice sounding sweet as honey. "I know you're not useless, nobody said you were. But it's ok to get help. It doesn't make you weak, or a pussy, or anything like that." Dream tilted George's chin up to face him. Their faces were just inches apart, breath hitching from the closeness between them.

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