Take Your Mark

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I really fucking hate school and swim practice this year, idk why I hate it so much but it just seems so much worse than every other year

Read this chapter that ended up being longer than expected


"What time did you say your race was tomorrow?" George wanted to do something for him, and surely Dream would like the extra support?

"Oh, it's pretty early. Like, 8 am, I think. I won't wake you up, but maybe I could see you afterwards?" Dream sounded hopeful, and George nodded.

"I'd love to."


3rd Person P.O.V.

Dream grabbed his bag, shoving his cap and goggles into it. He had a towel draped around his neck, as usual, and was already in his racing suit.

He walked out to the hall, glancing at George's door for a moment, before sighing and heading out to his car. He wouldn't wake the brunette, it was too early and it was George's day off! He also didn't want to pressure the small boy into coming to his races... but if he wanted to go, Dream wouldn't stop him.

The drive wasn't long, but it was boring, without the distraction of George sitting in the passenger seat. Dream sighed. He should've been more exciting, seeing as he had a big race today, but he couldn't help but feel lonely. It was stupid. He had only known George for a few days, yet he was acting like he couldn't live without him.

Dream pulled into the parking lot of the aquatics center, waiting in his car for a few minutes before deciding to head inside.

His mood was quickly brightened by the atmosphere inside. The pool area was crowded, yet empty at the same time. A few of the lanes were occupied, random swimmers warming up at their own pace. Dream smiled, putting his stuff down and joining them.

He went back and forth for awhile, just swimming laps. Eventually, he got out, preparing for his race.

It was the 200 meter freestyle, easily on of Dream's favorite events. It was a sprint, for him at least, and he loved how quickly he could move through the water. His other events were long and sometimes grueling, but 200 free was always something he looked forward to.

He sat down, fiddling with his goggles. The man next to him tapped Dream's shoulder, catching his attention.

"You here for the 200 free?" He asked. The man had a British accent, brown fluffy hair, and was tall, maybe even taller than Dream. The blond nodded, leg bouncing anxiously. "Cool. I'm Wilbur."

"Hi. I'm Dream."

"Dream? Is that like a nickname or something?" Wilbur asked, head tilted. Dream shrugged, looking back down at his goggles.

"Or something," he answered. Wilbur chuckled.

"First Olympics?" Dream looked back up, nodding.

"Is it that obvious?" He wondered, grimacing. He didn't want to look like a noob in front of all these incredible swimmers.

"Nah, I just know what to look for. You excited?" Wilbur questioned.

"Of course, it's the Olympics," Dream murmured.

"Just asking. You don't seem very happy to be here, that's all."

"I-" Dream cut himself off, sighing. "You don't need to know this, and I don't want to bother you with the details of my life, but I think I have feeling for... a person here. But they live across the world."

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