The Boy Across the Hall

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I'm literally crying from coughing so hard um excuse whatever I ended up writing but I just developed a cough so yeah :/

Idk just tell me if I fucked anything up cause I don't think I did but I genuinely can't tell anymore


He was teetering on the edge of consciousness when a loud knock pulled him back awake, much to George's chagrin. Grumbling under his breath, he waited for the person to give up and go away. He really didn't want to be bothered right now...

"Hello? I know you're in there, I just wanted to say hi. I'm in the room across the hall," a voice echoed through the door. George's eyebrows furrowed. This person wasn't really giving him much of a choice. He sighed, reluctantly getting up to open the door. This better be good...


3rd Person P.O.V.

Dream looked around his room, inspecting the place he would be sleeping for the next week. It was nicer than he expected, a lot nicer. The walls were painted a neutral gray color, and the floor was wooden with a cream-colored carpet over part of it. It was very minimalistic, which Dream liked.

The bed stood out against the rest of the room, the comforter being a lime green color. It was brighter, but certainly not ugly. It was Dream's favorite color, after all.

The bed was also pre-equipped with an extender, to better accommodate some of the taller athletes here at the Olympics. Since Dream was 6'2, it would be more comfortable for him to sleep on a bed that actually held all of him, from head to toe.

Another small detail that Dream really appreciated.

Living in the Olympic village had already far surpassed his expectations, and he had barely been in his room for five minutes. They really put a lot of effort into this... Dream's bags had even been delivered without him having to ask!

It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say Dream was pumped. Not only would he get the chance to participate in the Olympics, but he would have the city of Tokyo to explore as well! Nothing, and I mean nothing, could possibly make this any better.

Well, at least Dream didn't think so. Until he noticed someone out in the hallway- the boy roomed across the hall from him. And the boy seemed familiar... but not too familiar, if you know what I mean.

Dream squinted at the boy, watching as he went down the hall, presumably to practice whatever sport he was here for. Suddenly, it clicked in Dream's head where exactly he had seen that boy before.

Earlier, out on the central green. That was the boy who had been staring at him, the one that got all flustered really easily...

Thinking about it made Dream smile. He wanted to chase after the boy, ask him his name and what sport he played, but that might seem a little desperate, he decided. Better to wait and make it seem casual.

So, Dream busied himself with unpacking his bags. He distracted himself with anything he could think of- plugging his phone in to charge, laying out his toothbrush and other toiletries, hanging up his Olympic jacket... but the boy still hadn't returned.

Feeling defeated, Dream turned on the tv, laying down and watching some random movie that was already halfway through. It wasn't ideal, but it passed the time alright.

Eventually, the boy across the hall came back, and Dream was quick to notice. He went into the bathroom quickly, checking his appearance. Once satisfied, Dream left his room, knocking at the door across the hall.

However, nobody answered, which puzzled the young swimmer. He could've sworn he saw the boy go into the room?

"Hello?" Dream called, hoping that the boy understood English. "I know you're in there, I just wanted to say hi. I'm in the room across the hall." From inside the room, footsteps grew closer, as Dream anticipated what the boy would be like.

"What do you want?" The boy asked, peeking through the door which was only opened a crack. Dream looked at him for a moment, only able to see his head.

"Oh, um... I'm Dream. I'm in the room across the hall, for team USA-"

"Yeah, I can tell," the boy scoffed dryly. Dream faltered for a minute, before collecting himself.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you're team Great Britain, are you not?" He retorted, seeing the boy's eyebrows furrow in frustration.

"Are you done? I was trying to get some sleep, if you don't mind." The brunette had sarcasm clear in his voice, but Dream wasn't going to leave without knowing something more about him.

"Yeah, ok sleeping beauty, I just wanted to introduce myself to the boy who was staring at me earlier, out on the green." Dream crossed his arms, smirking and raising an eyebrow. There was a look of confusion on the boy's face for a moment, before he turned bright red.

"Um... sorry?"

"It's fine. But please- tell me your name?"

"It's George." George stuck a hand out, finally introducing himself. The door got pushed open further, revealing George's messy, tired look that Dream couldn't help but smile at.

"Nice to meet you, George. Like I said before, I'm Dream. I swim for team USA." George seemed a bit flustered still, but nodded in understanding.

"I'm a gymnast..." He mumbled, shrugging.

"Oh, that's cool! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you, then," Dream smiled, trying to make George feel more comfortable, since he was shifting awkwardly.

"Right..." George trailed off, glancing to the side. "I, um... I have to go, sorry..."

"Right, yes, sorry, you enjoy your nap, George." Dream put a little extra emphasis on the brunette's name, as if he was proud of himself just for knowing it. "See you later?" It was more of a question, and a hopeful one at that. George cracked the slightest of smiles, nodding.

"See you later, Dream." And with that, George closed the door, presumably to sleep. The blond went back into his room, celebrating quietly as soon as the door was shut.

"Yes!" He whisper yelled, pumping his fist in the air excitedly. Dream had high hopes for his time in Tokyo- obviously, I mean it was the fucking Olympics- but meeting a cute boy on his first day here? It was almost too good to be true.

But oh, Dream hoped it could be true. He loved George's pretty face, his accent, his small stature... everything about him was just so- dare he say?- perfect. God, was Dream simping already?

Yay they finally met!!!

Also I just saw that I spelled Tokyo wrong lmao (I fixed it clearly but that's so funny I didn't even realize when I was writing it 😩🖐)

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