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Imagine I never give you guys angst 😳

Don't sue me

TW: major disappointment, depressed mood, withdrawing from others


"Oh my god, Dream, you're going to get us killed!" He exclaimed, leading Dream back to the car so they wouldn't get run over. Dream was wheezing with laughter, his playful mood never seeming to wear off.

"It's fine! George, we're fine!" Nevertheless, Dream got in the car with George, who was shaking his head and muttering under his breath.

"You're still an idiot."


3rd Person P.O.V.

Sight seeing with George was incredible, as expected. Dream had high hopes coming into the Olympics, but there were many things he never expected. One of those things being George.

Unfortunately, though, George and Dream had to be separated today. After the excitement of yesterday, from the 200 free final and Dream's bronze medal to roaming around Tokyo with George, this day was sure to disappoint.

Dream was a bit disappointed to hear that George had training today, but he understood it was important and that George wanted to go home with a medal. He would never wish to take that away from the gymnast.

In fact, Dream would've offered to take him to practice if he could. But Dream was busy too, he had his 800 meter freestyle heats today. He wasn't too nervous, after yesterday he was maybe a little overconfident. If he could win one medal, he could win another, right?

Or, at the very least, be sent to finals. Dream wasn't the best at distance, he much preferred to do sprints. Even still, he would manage.

Humming in thought, Dream parked his car in the aquatics center parking lot, letting his hands drop to his lap. He was lonely without George by his side. He wished their schedules for today hadn't overlapped they way they had.

But he couldn't change what was already set. So, Dream got out of his car with a sigh, trudging into the building. He wasn't feeling particularly energetic today, but he would have to manage.

Once he was in the pool area, Dream set all his stuff down, rinsing out his cap and goggles and putting them on. He had some time before his race, and it was currently open break. Dream found the lane he would be racing in, and dove off the side into a perfect streamline, cutting through the water neatly. He did a few laps, keeping a steady pace that didn't exhaust him. It was calming to Dream, letting himself just move through the water like on autopilot.

Eventually, though, he got out of the water, shaking the water droplets from his head. The heats were starting soon, and Dream had to be ready. He wasn't in the first heat, nor the second. However, he was in heat three, and he knew it wouldn't take long for it to be his turn to go.

Dream sat down as the first heat began, watching from the sidelines. There were five heats in total, and the rule was that the 16 fastest times would move on to the semi finals, then the fastest 8 in the semis would move on to finals. As long as Dream could stay within these boundaries, he would advance to the finals.

The second heat began, and Dream made his way over to his lane. He couldn't interfere with the current race, but he could stand and wait for his turn. And so, Dream waited.

He didn't have to wait for long- this is the Olympics, after all, and times are quick. He adjusted his cap and goggles for a final time, letting out a slow breath as he stepped up onto the block.

It was time for him to shine.

"Heat three. Take your mark..." Everyone dove at once, kicking underwater in a nice streamline before breaking the surface.

The race went well, in Dream's opinion. He was third in his heat, and sitting at a comfortable 8th place overall. It seemed likely for him to move on to the next level.

However, the hope Dream had quickly began to dissipate, leaving only the anxiety and desperation. As the fourth and fifth heat results came in, Dream felt his heart pound.

He listened carefully to the placement. His original spot of 8th overall had become 11th after heat four, and if this pattern continued, he would just barely scrape by into the semis.

But things don't always follow the patterns we expect them to. By the end of heat five, it was looking close. Dream was teetering on the edge of qualifying as officials confirmed the final numbers.

As they listed off the names of swimmers who would be advancing to the semifinals, Dream listened intently. His leg was bouncing and his lip was being torn to shreds as he stared at the floor.

"... and that will be everyone advancing to the men's 800 meter freestyle semifinals." Dream felt his heart drop. He didn't make it?

He stood up, drawing in a shaky breath. The scores were already online, seeing as the Olympics were internationally famous, so Dream found the stats for the heats.

He saw his name at a dismal 17th overall. He hadn't qualified by one place. Just one. If he had been just 37 milliseconds faster, he would've been celebrating right now.

And that really stung. Dream felt his face heat up as he ran back to his car, not bothering to get dressed. It didn't really matter, he was just going to go back to the Olympic village and lock himself in his room for the rest of the day anyway. No reason to celebrate.

And that's exactly what Dream did. He locked the door to his room- which, as long as he was there, was usually left unlocked. He changed, angrily tossing his racing suit into the tub. Dream covered himself in blankets, leaving all the lights off in the room so it was dark and dreary inside. He laid in bed, just huddled in a ball of misplaced anger and pure personal disappointment.

He didn't want to see anyone right now. Not when he was like this. Even when George knocked on his door, his soft British accent calling for him, Dream refused to answer. Eventually, George gave up, leaving him alone.

So Dream laid in bed, marinating in his own mix of negative emotions. Not even George had been able to bring him back to his normal self.

Maybe he shouldn't have gotten so upset over a race, but he had been so close to making it. And knowing that if he had just been better, if he had tried harder, maybe he would be out celebrating right now.

Dream hated failure. He despised that he couldn't be perfect, that he couldn't be the very best. After all the work he'd put into swimming and becoming an Olympian, he wouldn't have the large array of medals he had always dreamed for. Sure, one bronze medal was no small feat, and Dream felt a swell of pride for his medal, but it just wasn't enough for him. He always wanted more.

He could never be satisfied.

Idk but I had Hamilton on my mind while writing the ending

I was literally listening to music that has nothing to do with Hamilton but whatever

I changed my time zone to somewhere in Europe so it would say published on the day I want it published on :D

I'm just too tired to stay up to midnight I honestly just can't, gn besties

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