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Lmao hey besties I'm tired again

Before you read, reminder that George is on a lot of pain meds and that makes him act strange :)

TW: hospital, mention of drugs (pain meds)


"Better?" Dream murmured, getting a quiet hum from George. The blond sat back down, both of them immediately missing the embrace of the other.

"I'm ok," George whispered. "I'm ok."


3rd Person P.O.V.

It was getting late, and visiting hours were nearing the end. Regretfully, Dream said goodbye to George, promising to visit as soon as the hospital allowed him to.

So, the next morning, Dream headed over to the hospital, greeting the receptionist before making a beeline for George's room. He was about to announce his presence to the injured boy, but upon seeing his peaceful expression, he decided against it.

Dream waited patiently, messing around on his phone while he waited for George to wake up. When the smaller boy finally stirred, Dream put his phone down, perking up.

"Hey, Georgie," he grinned.

"Don't call me that," George mumbled, groaning.

"Would you rather I call you 'sleeping beauty' instead?" Dream teased. George rolled his eyes, scoffing. Dream's expression morphed into a more serious one, voice lowering. "But seriously, how are you feeling?" George looked down at his lap, shrugging.

"I dunno," he murmured.

"Are you in pain? I can talk to the docto-"

"No," George said firmly. "It's manageable. They said I might be able to leave the hospital as long as I'm careful."

"Really?" Dream couldn't help the excitement that seeped into his tone.

"Yeah..." George glanced away, biting his lip. "I just need, um... I need someone to sign as a..." George sighed. "A temporary caretaker."

"I can do it," Dream immediately offered. George raised his eyebrows, a small smile gracing his lips.

"You don't actually need to do anything, I can take care of myself," he insisted.

"What if I want to help you?" Dream challenged. George seemed taken aback by this.

"You don't have to-"

"George. I want to." The brunette sighed, shaking his head.

"I guess..."

"There we go! So, when can you leave?" Dream asked, beaming. George shrugged.

"You could probably ask someone," he mentioned. Dream nodded, walking out to go find someone who would tell him something. It didn't take long, and he got the information he needed. He was lucky enough to find one of the nurses who was assigned to check on George, and she followed him back to the room.

"Alright, I can check him over quickly while you sign the discharge papers," she stated, shooing Dream to get the paperwork filled out. He left the room, heading over to talk to the receptionist about getting those papers signed.

"So... he your boyfriend?" She asked in a thick Japanese accent, shuffling some papers around before pushing some across the desk, handing Dream a pen.

"Y- what?" Dream started filling out the papers, carefully reading over some parts and entirely skipping over others.

"No ring." She tapped her ring finger, pointing at Dream's hand. The blond immediately blushed, turning back to the papers awkwardly.

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