The American

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I'm taking medicine now and I'm feeling a lot better which is pog

However I missed my joint birthday sleepover, I'm not able to go to the beach with The Gang™ tomorrow, and I made my swim coach upset cause I forgot to say I wasn't going to practice oopsie

But hey I managed to write this during my long day of playing stardew valley (I started a new game to marry a new character, last time was Seb and this time its gonna be penny)

But that's irrelevant so whatever, read on besties 😌💅


"Yes!" He whisper yelled, pumping his fist in the air excitedly. Dream had high hopes for his time in Tokyo- obviously, I mean it was the fucking Olympics- but meeting a cute boy on his first day here? It was almost too good to be true.

But oh, Dream hoped it could be true. He loved George's pretty face, his accent, his small stature... everything about him was just so- dare he say?- perfect. God, was Dream simping already?


3rd Person P.O.V.

George grumbled under his breath, trudging over to the door. Quickly, he looked through the peephole, trying to decide whether or not to answer it.

The boy who stood on the other side of the door looked vaguely familiar, as if George knew him from somewhere. His accent wasn't British, in fact he sounded more American.

So, George opened the door, glaring up at the man. Oh geez, he's tall...

"What do you want?" George asked, clearly annoyed. Whatever this guy wanted, it probably wasn't urgent enough to be worth waking him from his nap. The blond seemed taken aback, but quickly regained his composure.

"Oh, um... I'm Dream. I'm in the room across the hall, for team USA-"

"Yeah, I can tell," George scoffed, rolling his eyes. The man- Dream- frowned, hesitating.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you're team Great Britain, are you not?" Dream retorted, causing George's eyebrows to furrow.

"Are you done? I was trying to get some sleep, if you don't mind," George sassed, glaring up at Dream.

"Yeah, ok sleeping beauty," Dream teased, smirking teasingly at George. "I just wanted to introduce myself to the boy who was staring at me earlier, out on the green." He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. At first, George was just confused. He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows in thought.


George didn't realize he was staring at the group until the blond man turned and looked at him, tilting his head curiously. George froze, eyes widening.


~flashback over~

The brunette felt his cheeks heat up with embarrassment at the memory. Of course the blond, of all people, had to be living across the hall. This all just felt like a big fat fucking joke to George.

"Um... sorry?" He mumbled, trying to shrug it off and maintain his closed off stance.

"It's fine. But please- tell me your name?" Dream requested, a slight hint of desperation in his voice.

"It's George." Dream nodded in acknowledgment, George extending a hand for him to shake. The door was pushed open a bit more, revealing George's post-practice outfit. The blond smiled, whether he meant to or not, George didn't know.

"Nice to meet you, George. Like I said before, I'm Dream. I swim for team USA," Dream explained, smiling warmly.

"I'm a gymnast..." George murmured, shrugging awkwardly. He didn't particularly like telling people he was a gymnast, because everyone always assumed something or made comments that made George uncomfortable.

"Oh, that's cool! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you, then," Dream smiled. He seemed genuine, but George couldn't help his nerves. He was shifting awkwardly underneath Dream's gaze, eyes focused on the floor.

"Right... I, um... I have to go, sorry..." George gave a weak attempt at escaping the conversation, desperately wanting to be alone. Dream seemed to catch on, and nodded, waving him off with that stupid smile of his.

"Right, yes, sorry, you enjoy your nap, George." George shuddered ever-so-slightly at the way Dream said his name. "See you later?" The gymnast couldn't help but crack a smile at Dream's hopeful tone.

"See you later, Dream." George closed the door, letting out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

Sighing, he leaned up against the door, sliding down until he was sitting on the hardwood floors of his room. George had never really been one for social interaction, only being truly comfortable around those he knew well and trusted.

Despite only knowing Dream for a few minutes, George wasn't completely against the idea of being around him. Dream seemed to be an exception to the typical order of things, at least in George's world. He wasn't necessarily comfortable around the blond, but he felt like Dream could be someone he could grow to trust.

George shook his head, forcing himself to stand up. He walked back to his bed, collapsing onto the mattress with a sigh. His feelings were all so confusing...

He felt a certain attachment to Dream, not like the one he had with Niki or any of his other friends, but something entirely different. It certainly wasn't an unpleasant different.

Amongst his thoughts, there was one thing George knew: he would be watching the swimming events this year, for sure. Typically, George didn't watch Olympic swimming, but he had a feeling he might enjoy it this year. Who knows?

Oh yeah I forgot to tell y'all that this chapter is literally just Georges perspective on them meeting 😀✌

I literally don't even know anymore just uhhhh vote? I don't think I ask for that a lot so yeah vote (and follow me ofc)

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