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Man I really speedran writing this so idk how good it is, I took a 6 hour nap instead of being productive and I didn't get a chance to work on it during school :/

You can read it anyways bc I really don't give a fuck

TW: hospital, mention of injury, mention of drugs (pain meds)


"He's awake, and follow me." Dream followed the nurse down a few hallways, fidgeting with his hands. Finally, she stopped outside a door, pushing it open. "Here. Be careful."

"Thank you," Dream murmured. He took a deep breath, stepping inside. This was it...


3rd Person P.O.V.

George lay in the hospital bed, struggling to hold back tears. It was no longer morning, in fact, the sun had already gone to bed for the day. He had been unconscious for most of the day, sleeping through emergency surgery and waking up with a large cast on his wrist and thick bandages around his ribs. George had broken his wrist, obviously, but had also cracked and bruised a number of his ribs as well.

This day honestly couldn't get any worse. Although, at this point, George wouldn't be surprised if there was more to this terrible day.

He closed his eyes, letting a tear stream down his cheeks. He wasn't in too much pain, thanks to the drugs flowing through his bloodstream, but he was absolutely devastated. One poorly-timed mistake might've just cost him his career- and, possibly, the use of his dominant wrist.

It was just a lot to take in. George had never really been one to show his emotions, but he couldn't help it. Maybe it was the pain meds. Either way, he had been through a lot.

Sighing, George grabbed his phone, which had been dropped off at the hospital along with the rest of the stuff in his duffel bag. He unlocked it, immediately being hit with a bunch of different notifications- mostly relating to his injury.

Yep, George was trending. Was this really going to be what he was remembered for?

The thought of it made the ex-gymnast feel sick. His stomach churned, a combination of anxiety for the future and the large amounts of drugs keeping him out of extreme pain. Really, George just wanted to sleep, even though he had slept through most of the day. Not to be dramatic, but being awake hurt- not only physically, but emotionally as well.

But he heard footsteps approaching his door, stopping just outside before one set of footsteps kept going down the hall and the other came into his room.

"George!" Dream gasped, rushing to the brunette's bedside. "Oh my god, are you ok?" George kinda shrugged, wincing at the pain shooting through his chest. He really hit the ground hard...

"Look, I'm really sorry I wasn't there. I should've been there to support you, but I was too late..." Dream grimaced, wrinkling his nose slightly. "I'm so sorry, George."

George stared blankly at his lap. In the chaos, he had completely forgotten about Dream not being there. It hadn't really been significant, not compared to everything else that happened. But now that it was brought up, George felt anger build up inside of him. Anger, hot and misplaced, flickering dangerously.

He looked up at Dream, the blond's regretful expression extinguishing the flames of rage almost immediately. Dream didn't mean to.

"George..." Dream sighed, sitting in a chair he had pulled up to the side of the bed. He entangled his fingers with George's right hand, humming sadly. "What happened...?"

George felt himself get angry again. Not at Dream, it was an innocent question, but a question that angered him nevertheless.

"You don't know? Just check your phone, you won't miss it," he scoffed, squeezing Dream's fingers tightly. He didn't want to take his anger out on the swimmer, but he couldn't stop himself. Dream got his phone out, immediately finding the video on the trending tab- just as George had said.

"Do you want to see it?" He asked, gesturing to his phone. George stared at Dream for a moment, face morphing into an uncomfortable expression. "If you don't want to, we don't have to watch it. Whatever you're comfortable with."

"I guess..." George agreed hesitantly. Dream held his phone so both of them could see the screen, pressing play on the video.

Dream and George watched the video, Dream gasping and clapping a hand over his mouth when he saw George hit the ground, wrist bent the same way he had seen it in the parking lot. George had to turn away, feeling nauseous. Dream noticed, quickly stopping the video and putting his phone away.

"George? You ok?" He wondered. Dream didn't blame the boy for having to turn away- in fact, Dream had felt rather sick himself watching it. The whole situation was incredibly fucked up, and Dream was trying his best to help George through it.

"Dream." George let out a quiet sob, tears starting to fall. Dream squeezed George's hand comfortingly, frowning.

"Hey, Georgie, it's gonna be ok... please don't cry..."

"Dream..." The brunette shook his head, crying. Dream wasn't really sure what to do in this situation, so he just went with the first thing that came to mind.

Dream leaned in, wrapping his arms around George- carefully. He hugged the smaller boy, avoiding his bandaged chest and his big blue cast. George returned the hug with his good arm, sobs slowly turning to hiccups as he calmed down.

"Better?" Dream murmured, getting a quiet him from George. The blond sat back down, both of them immediately missing the embrace of the other.

"I'm ok," George whispered. "I'm ok."

well I'm still exhausted so I'm going to bed soon

Idk why I'm so tired all the time but whatever

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