Be Careful

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Hi, I hate myself 😍😍😍😍 wbu?

I wish my phone would just charge already so I could go to sleep, I'm too tired for this shit

TW: hospital, ambulance


He felt hands on him, lifting him off the floor and onto a stretcher. As he was taken away, George could hear the fading sound of his floor routine music, which hadn't been paused amidst the panic.

Clenching his jaw, George squeezed his eyes shut. Really, truly, this felt like the end for him.


3rd Person P.O.V.

"Good luck. You got this," Dream encouraged. George smiled back at him, nodding. Dream watched as the smaller boy retreated back to his room, both of them closing their doors. Dream sighed, rubbing a hand on his chin. He needed to shave, and he definitely needed a shower.

Dream sighed, starting the water. His clothes fell to the ground in a pile as he stepped into the shower, immediately relaxing under the hot water.

His shower ended up being a little longer than expected, but he still had time. Dream quickly shaved his stubble, knowing that he and George were planning on going somewhere later. Call him a simp, but he wanted to look good.

He couldn't erase the bags under his eyes, but the shower had helped, at least. Dream was looking much better.

He got dressed, picking through his clothes to try and find something that wasn't dirty. He managed to get dressed, and Dream brushed his teeth quickly before grabbing the keys to his rental car and heading out the door.

He made it to the gymnastics center, hoping he wasn't too late to watch George's event. He stepped out of the car, eyes flickering to the flashing lights of an ambulance waiting outside.

Sucks to be that guy, he thought. Shrugging, he walked towards the entrance, only to be yelled at to move.

"Coming through!" Dream stepped backwards in surprise, letting the paramedics through. His eyes widened as he recognized the person on the stretcher.

"George?" He asked, following the stretcher as it rolled out to the ambulance. The brunette had his eyes squeezed shut, his features twisted with pain. Dream frowned. He looked George over quickly, gasping loudly when he noticed George's wrist. He looked away quickly, gagging at the sight. He had never been squeamish, but when it was George, the sight was sickening.

"Can I come with you?" Dream asked nervously, biting his lip and glancing at George every once in a while.

"Are you related or married?" Dream shook his head. "Then no." The paramedics loaded the stretcher into the back of the ambulance. "You can follow behind the ambulance. The hospital isn't too far from here." Dream nodded, running to get back in his rental car. The ambulance drove off, lights and sirens blaring.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck," Dream mumbled to himself, shaking his head. He quickly pulled out of the parking lot, driving down the street and following the ambulance at a distance. The roads weren't too busy at this time of day, so it wasn't too hard to follow.

They arrived at the hospital, and Dream parked while George was brought inside. By the time Dream had made it inside, George had already been whisked away to a private room.

Dream was in the mostly empty waiting room, pacing back and forth anxiously. He didn't want this to happen. He could hardly believe it was happening at all. It all seemed so surreal, like a nightmare you can't seem to wake up from.

He wasn't even sure what had happened. Dream figured it was on YouTube by now, but he wasn't going to watch it without George's permission. He was probably going to be embarrassed about it, and Dream was not about to make it worse.

That didn't mean he didn't want to know. In fact, Dream's curiosity was eating him up inside, filling him with questions of what exactly had gone wrong.

He felt a twinge of guilt when he realized he could've been there for George. If he hadn't wasted so much time, or if he had driven a little faster, things might've turned out a little different.

Dream sighed. He couldn't change the past. All he could do at this point was hope for the best.


"Sir. Sir. Hello?" A nurse tapped his shoulder, trying to grab Dream's attention. The blond grumbled softly, rubbing his eyes. He had fallen asleep waiting to see George, and it was getting later.


"Are you here to see George Davidson?" She asked. Dream sat up quickly, now wide awake.

"Is he ok? Can I see him? Is he awake?" He spouted off question after question, standing up.

"He's awake, and follow me." Dream followed the nurse down a few hallways, fidgeting with his hands. Finally, she stopped outside a door, pushing it open. "Here. Be careful."

"Thank you," Dream murmured. He took a deep breath, stepping inside. This was it...

filler chapter

Well anyways I'm kinda tired I might go to bed soon

But y'all should follow me, I'm almost at 1.4k :3

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