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This took me a few days cause I was busy uploading my books onto ao3 (Glittercat34, same as on here) so I didn't have as much time to write :/

But I have a full week of school this week so maybe that'll let me get something done? Or maybe I won't do anything, only time will tell


"Do you guys need a ride? I can drop you off and then head back to the village, if you'd like," Dream offered. George's eyes widened as he starting waving his arms and shaking his head.

"No, no, I wouldn't ask that of you."

"You're not asking, I'm offering. Go get Niki and meet me outside, I'm driving."


3rd Person P.O.V.

George woke up with a yawn, stretching until the palm of his hand hit the bedpost. He blinked lazily, sighing. He vaguely remembered yesterday's events, from Dream's race to lunch with Niki. Well, "lunch" that quickly became their entire night out, which George normally wouldn't mind except for the fact that it meant he got home later than expected.

But he supposed it was for a good cause, because Niki was a lot happier by the end of the night. At least he didn't have any events today.

Well, no events he had to participate in. However, he was planning on going to Dream's race today, so he couldn't just lounge around and relax.

George got dressed, splashing some cool water on his face. He brushed his teeth, and ran a hand through his hair quickly before deciding this was good enough.

He headed out to the hallway, knocking at Dream's door. The blond let him in immediately, smiling at George.

"I just need to change, give me like... two seconds. You can sit or whatever, make yourself at home," Dream insisted, walking into the bathroom. George didn't hear a click of a lock, but it didn't really matter since he wasn't planning on joining Dream in the bathroom.

He gingerly sat on Dream's bed, feeling awkward and alone. He shouldn't, Dream was literally right behind the door, and there wasn't supposed to be any pressure on George, not today.

Luckily, Dream had gotten changed, and walked back out into the room. George watched him closely, eyes accidentally traveling downwards a couple times.

It wasn't like he was trying to. He just couldn't help it.

Racing suits had to be tight and fairly form-fitting, and Dream's certainly was. George felt disgusted at himself for looking. Blushing, he turned away slightly, just so he didn't have to look at Dream.

"You ready to go? No rush or anything, but I wanna make sure I'm not late," Dream smiled, shrugging. George merely nodded, biting his lip as he stood up to follow Dream out to his car.

George looked everywhere but Dream, knowing a glance towards the swimmer would leave him embarrassed and flustered. He really wanted Dream to get dressed, but at the same time, shamefully, he didn't.

God, he was so gay for this boy. It was embarrassing.

"George?" Dream's eyebrows knitted together, lips curving down slightly. "Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet this morning."

"I'm ok, Dream. Just... um-" George sighed. "Just thinking."

"Yeah? Whatcha thinking about, Georgie?"

Dream asked playfully. The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"You," he wanted to say. But no, instead George just gave a little shrug, humming.

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