The Green Building

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These chapters aren't too long yet but its better for the flow of the story (I think) since I'm switching between Dream and George each chapter

Yeah so again I've never been to the Olympics but I did do a LOT of research, but also some things are just changed for plot reasons :3


Nodding in approval, George began unpacking some of his things, putting toiletries in his bathroom and hanging up his costumes and leotards so they wouldn't wrinkle too much. Other than that, he didn't really need to unpack the rest of his things.

Satisfied, George laid on the bed, letting his tired eyes droop shut. After the long day of travel and confusion, he needed this. He fell asleep easily, drifting off into his own personal world of dreams.


3rd Person P.O.V.

Dream glanced around the green, in awe of the great athletes he was surrounded by. He wished he knew someone, or that someone would talk to him... he felt lonely and small surrounded by names and faces he recognized from tv.

"Hey!" Dream turned around, feeling a hand slap his shoulder. The hand belonged to a shorter, dark-haired man with a white bandana tied around his forehead.

"Hi?" The blond greeted unsurely.

"Alright, so me and my- um, friends were wondering what sport you do?" The bandana-clad man asked. Two more men came up from behind him, one taller with fluffy brown hair and one shorter with a beanie.

"Sap! Don't startle the poor man like that!" The fluffy-haired boy scolded. He turned to Dream with an apologetic smile and an outstretched hand. "Hi, I'm Karl! This here is Alex, but he prefers to be called Quackity, and I see you've already met Nick." Karl gestures to the man with the bandana. Dream nods, shaking Karl's hand.

"Call me Sapnap," the dark-haired man insists. "So, stranger, what's your name? And what sport are you here for?"

"Dream. And I'm here to swim," Dream introduced. Immediately, Karl and Quackity groaned, while Sapnap pumped his fist in the air with a loud shout.

"I knew it! I told you!" Karl sighed, shaking his head and handing Sapnap a five dollar bill. "Pay up!"

The boy named Quackity scoffed, handing Sapnap a crumpled up five while muttering something under his breath in another language. Dream was incredibly confused by the whole exchange, but thankful to not be alone in this intimidating crowd.


"Oh, sorry, we actually made a bet on which sport you were here for," Karl explains, shrugging. "I bet on volleyball."

"I bet on soccer," Quackity huffs.

"And IIIIIIIII..." Sapnap paused for effect, grinning proudly. "... bet on swimming." Dream nodded, smiling at the trio's fun and playful nature.

"And what are you guys here for?" He questioned, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow.

"Fencing for me, equestrian for Karl, and surfing for Q," Sapnap stated.


"It's new to the Olympics, and I'm the best," Quackity insisted, crossing his arms. "Just watch, there's no way I'm not coming home with a gold medal!"

"I'm just happy to be here!" Karl exclaimed, shrugging. "Sapnap has told me so much about it, and I'm really excited to be able to compete!" Dream tilted his head, looking at Sapnap.

"You've been in the Olympics before?" He wondered. Sapnap nodded.

"Yeah. But this year, I'm here to win!" He exclaimed, grinning. Dream hummed, nodding. He felt weird, like he was being watched.

Glancing around, he made eye contact with a small boy across the green. He was very pale, with dark messy hair. The boy quickly turned away from Dream, weaving through the crowd and out of sight.

"Did you guys see that?" The blond asked, narrowing his eyes and frowning.

"See what?"

"I-" Dream stopped, shaking his head. "Nevermind."

"Right... well, nice meeting you, Dream, but we need to go get our room assignments! See you again, maybe?" Karl smiled, waving as Sapnap and Quackity dragged him away. Dream waved back, sighing.

What a strange trio.

He waited for a little longer, groups of athletes getting taken away one by one, until the Olympic green had only a few groups left.

"All male swimmers, to the green building!" The phrase was repeated in multiple languages, as was the standard here at the Olympics, and Dream joined the group outside of the green building.

They were all directed into their separate rooms, and that was that. Now, it was official- Dream was an Olympic athlete.

The green building... hmmm... where have I heard that before...

But we met Karl, Sap, and Q! Ngl they aren't really a major part of the story but... they'll come up again :3

I hope you've enjoyed so far, please follow me for story announcements and whatever else<3

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