Opening Ceremony

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I hope yall are enjoying this book lmao

My research for this is really weird, like for this chapter I looked up "Japanese vs Chinese chopsticks" but I also completely ignored the correct order the countries were in (amongst other inaccuracies) so um... yeah idk just go with it


He felt a certain attachment to Dream, not like the one he had with Niki or any of his other friends, but something entirely different. It certainly wasn't an unpleasant different.

Amongst his thoughts, there was one thing George knew: he would be watching the swimming events this year, for sure. Typically, George didn't watch Olympic swimming, but he had a feeling he might enjoy it this year. Who knows?


3rd Person P.O.V.

The sun had risen, shining light on a new day. And not just any day, at that- a special day.

The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics.

Dream could barely contain his excitement. He had a morning practice before the ceremony began, which he had already finished with ease. Nothing was going to ruin this day for him, no way.

The young swimmer had a few hours before the team USA bus left to take them to the ceremony, so he decided to take this time to explore Tokyo a little. He had rented a car, so Dream drove himself away from the Olympic center and toward the actual city.

Stomach rumbling, Dream made his way into a restaurant. He wasn't quite sure what kind of restaurant it was, exactly, since it was in Japanese, but it smelled good, and that was all he needed to know. He used his phone to roughly translate the menu, ordering a bowl of Japanese noodles.

He struggled a bit with his chopsticks at first, but managed to eat the entire bowl without making a fool of himself. The noodles were incredible, and Dream left the restaurant feeling satisfied with his pick. He still had another two hours before the bus left, so he looked up a nearby park to wander around in for awhile.

Eventually, though, it was time to head back to the village. Dream was a little disappointed that he had to head back so soon, but he also couldn't wait for the Olympic opening ceremony. He wouldn't miss it for the world, so off he went.


Dream was sitting on the bus with the rest of team USA, watching the opening ceremony on his phone. His team was one of the last to walk out, so this was the best he could do until they all actually went inside.

Eventually, they were all allowed inside, where Dream saw Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity all huddled together. He waved to them, getting a smile and excited wave back from Karl, a nod from Quackity, and a peace sign from Sapnap.

Now, things were starting to get real. From where he was standing, Dream could hear the team announcements. He continued watching it on his phone, knowing there was still time before he would have to walk out there.

His ears perked up when he heard Great Britain get called. He searched for George on his screen, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy.

It was a lot easier than he expected.

"The flag bearers for Great Britain are Wilbur Soot and George Davidson! Soot is a swimmer, known for his world record 200 meter freestyle, while Davidson is a gymnast who had the best score at the Olympic trials! Both of them are at their second Olympics here today, and we wish them luck! Next up is..."

Dream smiled, looking at the tiny version of George on his phone, helping another man- Wilbur, he presumed- carry his nation's flag. They were dressed in a navy blue jacket, with white pants with red stripes down the sides. Dream had to admit, George looked very good, even just as a pile of pixels. He couldn't wait to find him in the crowd and see him up close.

Oh man, I'm falling for this boy...

Dream was startled out of his thoughts when a hand pushed at his shoulder. He shook his head, following the crowd until they were all out on the floor, loud cheering and flashing lights enveloping all his senses. Dream just followed the person in front of him, not quite sure of what to do. It was a lot more intimidating in person, that's for sure.

Once all the teams had been introduced, it was time for the show. Dream sat down with the rest of the people around him, watching with wide, captivated eyes.

So much for seeing George up close.

In the end, Dream decided it was better he didn't. It might've seemed weird, or creepy, and he didn't want George to hate him. Plus, the opening ceremony was amazing, it was one of the most incredible things he had ever seen in his life.

It is the Olympics, after all. Everything was just that much more amazing here. And Dream was loving every second of it.

I skipped over so much there lmao

Anyways I was thinking about how wildly funny and concerning some wattpad a/ns are, like authors will not update for 3 years and then upload something like "sorry guys I got struck by lightning lmao, then I accidentally murdered someone and went to jail, but I'm back with another chapter!! Sorry its so short haha *proceeds to upload a 10k word chapter*" like wtf are y'all good

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