Don't Break a Leg

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Chapter titles are harder than writing the damn story

Well anyways... we're getting closer to the part I'm excited for so that's a win, maybe I can get to write it before school starts... maybe...


So much for seeing George up close.

In the end, Dream decided it was better he didn't. It might've seemed weird, or creepy, and he didn't want George to hate him. Plus, the opening ceremony was amazing, it was one of the most incredible things he had ever seen in his life.

It is the Olympics, after all. Everything was just that much more amazing here. And Dream was loving every second of it.


3rd Person P.O.V.

George yawned, exhausted from being the flagbearer at the opening ceremony. Don't get him wrong- George was honored that he was chosen, but it wasn't easy work. He had never been too keen on crowds, which isn't the best for someone who performs on the world's stage, but George manages. He was one of England's best, after all.

But unfortunately, being one of the best means you need to work hard, which was the opposite of what George wanted to do right now. What he really wanted to do was sleep, but he had practice- his last practice before his events began, to be precise- and Niki wasn't going to let him skip.

"C'mon, George, we have to go to practice. If you're really that tired we can go home early, but we can't just skip," Niki insisted, dragging the brunette down the hall.

"Nikiiiiiiiiii!" George whined, protesting weakly.

"Look, just show up and practice your vaults and uneven bars routine, at the very least," she suggested. George huffed, crossing his arms.

"Fine..." He sighed, not really having the energy to fight back anymore. All George really wanted to do is head back to his room, change back into comfortable clothes, and take a nap. But he had responsibilities, and that included showing up to his Olympic practice.

His expression lightened when he remembered that gymnastics was the only reason he was here. And don't get him wrong- George loved gymnastics, he loved the thrill and how gracefully he was able to move through the air. He loved the look of awe people would get when they saw him perform his routines. Yes, George loved gymnastics.

He just wished he could skip this one practice. It was way too late, they had just finished the opening ceremony, and George had his first event qualifiers tomorrow morning! He really needed to rest before the first real day of the Olympics.

Nevertheless, he and Niki showed up to their late night practice, and- as promised- George did a few vaults and practiced his uneven bars routine. He did fairly well, except for one vault dismount that made him stumble, but other than that, he was golden.

"Niki? Hey, I'm gonna head back now. See you tomorrow?" George shouldered his bag, looking up at her. Niki was on the beam, legs flat against it in a perfect split.

"Yeah, of course. I'll meet you there." She twisted out of her split, flipping into a back handspring and onto the mat below. "Oh, and George?"


"Good luck. Don't break a leg." George smiled at Niki's joke, rolling his eyes, playfully.

"Yeah, yeah. See you tomorrow!" Niki waved to him as he left, taking a bus back to the Olympic village to avoid total exhaustion.

George walked down the hall his room was on, sighing with relief. He was so close to being able to sleep.

George heard footsteps in the hall, looking up warily to see who was there. He froze on the spot, eyes wide and cheeks flushed pink.

Dream was walking towards him, shirtless other than a towel draped over his shoulders. He was fairly muscular- which, George supposed, made sense- with evenly toned, sunkissed skin.

While George just stared, locked in some sort of gay panic, Dream glanced up, smiling and waving at him before heading into his room. George shook his head, pressing his palms to his burning cheeks and running to his room.

God, that was embarrassing...

George grimaced, shaking his head. Swimmers, he thought, letting out a tired sigh. Of course Dream would be the type to walk around shirtless.

George threw his stuff on the floor, quickly hopping into the shower and cleaning himself up before heading to bed.

Tomorrow, things would start to get real.

Sorry it was kinda short, but its all going according to plan... heh

Maybe I should start working on that summer work I haven't done yet since school starts next week 😗✌

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