Beach Volleyball

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It was so difficult to write Toby instead of Tubbo so um lmk if I missed one

TW: pills, eating


Silently, Dream clicked the tv on, switching channels until he found some random Olympic event. They both watched it for awhile, until Dream heard some quiet snoring from beside him. Glancing over, he saw George asleep, lips slightly parted as little snores escaped them. If he was being honest, Dream thought it was quite adorable.

He turned the tv off, closing his eyes and letting sleep take over. Tomorrow would be a new day.


3rd Person P.O.V.

George's face twisted in discomfort. A soft groan escaped his lips, eyes fluttering open and blinking in confusion. He was immediately made aware of the body laying beside him, breathing slowly and calmly.

"What...?" He mumbled, frowning. George used his right arm to push himself into a sitting position, grimacing at the pain in his ribs. It hurt, bad, and the brunette was debating waking the sleeping man next to him. Whatever meds he had been on from the hospital yesterday had definitely worn off, and George was in a lot of pain.

But being the stubborn person he was, George just carefully laid back down, face scrunched up in pain. He didn't need Dream, or anyone for that matter. He was a grown adult and an Olympic athlete, he could handle a few fractured ribs. And a shattered dominant wrist...

George laid there, breaths coming in quick, shallow pants, trying not to aggravate his ribs. Tears pricked at his eyes, and he let out a quiet whimper. It hurt so badly...

"George...?" Dream slurred, sleepily turning to look at the injured boy. "Oh, shit, hold on." The blond got up, going into the bathroom and rustling around for something.

"Hurts..." George groaned, balling his hand into a fist.

"I'm getting you painkillers, just hold on." Dream returned with a few pills and a glass of water, helping George sit up enough to gulp the painkillers down. "Sorry. I was supposed to give you some before bed, but you fell asleep, and I didn't think it would be this bad..." Dream looked upset.

"It's fine."

"Um... do you want breakfast?" Dream wondered, stretching his arms backwards with a yawn. George just shrugged. He didn't really feel like doing much of anything. "Alright, well you need to eat something, so how about we get something delivered? We don't need to leave the room if you don't feel up to it."

"You don't have to stay here. You can go enjoy Tokyo, I don't care," George muttered. He was lying, he absolutely did care if Dream stayed with him all day, because it meant he wouldn't have to be alone and injured. Even if he protested against Dream staying with him yesterday, he was glad the younger man had resisted. George didn't want to be alone, especially not now.

"I don't need to go anywhere. I'd rather stay here with you," Dream insisted.

"Oh." Secretly, George was relieved. He didn't want to force Dream into staying, but if he decided on his own to stay... George wouldn't protest.

"What do you want to eat? Cause I'm starving!" Dream exclaimed, climbing back into bed next to George. The brunette just shrugged again, looking away to the side. "George, if you don't pick anything, I'm just going to order what I want!"

"Well, what do you want?"

"Eggs... maybe an omelette. How do you like your eggs?"

"Um... sunny side up? If we can do that?" Dream nodded, typing on his phone for a few minutes.

"Ordered. It'll be here in like... 15 minutes," he informed, putting his phone down. "Wanna watch something?"

"Sure, I guess," George murmured. Dream clicked the tv on, already showing Olympic events. It was supposed to be fencing, but the announcers were showing some clips from the equestrian events from yesterday. Dream sat up, leaning in and squinting at the tv.

"Hey, I met that guy!" He exclaims, pointing at a man sitting atop a pretty reddish-brown horse. "He was really nice. I think his name was... Karl...?" I look at the boy on screen, camera zooming in to show his smiling face. He definitely seemed like a ray of sunshine, and rather talented on horseback as well. The clip ended, and the announcers introduced the fencing event.

"Hey, I met him too!" Dream grinned, pointing at another man, this time decked out in fencing gear. The man pulled the mask over his face, holding up a sword and preparing for the match.

"Why do you know so many people? Where did you even meet these guys?" George wondered, frowning. He didn't know anybody...

"I actually met them both on the green, that first day. There was another guy with them, I don't remember his name though... he had a weird nickname. So did the fencing guy." Dream furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. "I think he called himself... Sapnap? Or something like that."

"Weird." George paused for a moment, before he thought of something. "Hey, wait, you have a weird nickname too! I don't even know your real name!" Dream chuckled, nodding.

"Sucks to be you, I guess. Get a cool nickname, Georgie. Join the club." The brunette shook his head, scoffing gently.

"You're an idiot." They watched the fencing match, Sapnap gaining an edge quickly and earning enough points to win. Apparently, this was the fencing final, and so Sapnap was awarded a gold medal, the American national anthem playing in the background.

Their food arrived while Sapnap was on the podium, Dream grabbing it and tipping the driver generously. He plated the food, getting forks and butter knives to eat with. Dream had ordered a veggie and cheese omelette, while George had his eggs served sunny side up. They ate while commercials flashed across the screen, advertising workout machines and various credit card brands. They finished their food pretty quickly, Dream grabbing both plates and stacking them on the nightstand.

George sighed, leaning into Dream's arm with a unintelligible mumble. The blond smiled, wrapping his arm around George and sneaking closer to the small boy. They waiting for the next event to come on, which turned out to be beach volleyball. This caught George's attention.

"Oh, I met them," he stated. The tv showed two teams, one from Great Britain, and one from America. "The blond one was really loud. The short one was nice, but a little weird," George continued.

The announcers introduced the boys as Tommy and Toby, two 17 year olds and best friends. On the American team, we had Zak and Darryl, a duo known for their quarrels. It was their second time at the Olympics, after winning a bronze medal at the 2016 Rio games.

The game started, with Dream and George each rooting for different sides. Neither of them had ever cared much for beach volleyball, but they were both on the edge of their seats (figuratively, of course. George's ribs were still hurting).

It was a close match, both teams having two wins. Tommy and Toby were at match point, and Zak and Darryl were just three points behind. George had never been so immersed in a game before, but sitting here with Dream and rooting for opposite teams, he was filled with a sort of giddy excitement.

Toby served the ball, Zak jumping and diving to set it upwards. Darryl bumped the ball up, but neither of them managed to hit the ball over the net before it landed in the sand.

Immediately, George was celebrating, just like Tommy and Toby on the screen. The two young boys hugged each other, Toby jumping up excitedly. Their mouths were moving, but you couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Yes! You suck! You're so baaaaaaaaddddd!" George exclaimed proudly, sticking his tongue out at Dream. The blond rolled his eyes playfully, smiling. He hadn't really cared that much about the game, he was just happy to see George smiling again.

"Yeah yeah, you win. Congrats, George," Dream shook his head, grinning at the smaller boy. George smiled back at him, leaning against Dream with a soft giggle.

Maybe things were going to be ok.

This feels lower quality

Well I have 2 minutes to publish it before I'll have missed a day so fuck it

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