You Wish

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Maybe I'm updating a little less often but the chapters are longer now (which is partially why its taking longer to write them) so there are benefits

!!!!ALSO!!!! VOTING FOR MY NEXT BOOK IDEA IS OPEN!!!! go to my profile and click on the "conversations" tab, it should be one of the top posts :) directions are on there, so go vote!!!!

Also for this chapter remember I'm not a doctor, I spent about 3 minutes on google before saying "fuck it" and making it up as I go so remember this isn't medical advice <3

TW: pills (pain meds)


"Alright." Dream laid down next to George, turning on his side to wrap his arms around the smaller boy. George mumbled incoherently, scooching further into Dream and letting the blond hold him close. He fell asleep quickly, the warmth of Dream next to him being better than any blanket.

Dream smiled, brushing a thumb over George's cheek gently. The brunette looked so peaceful, asleep like this. Dream loved it. He hesitated for a second before pecking George's temple, before tucking his head in and falling asleep as well.


3rd Person P.O.V.

George woke up with a gasp of pain. His ribs ached horribly, the dull pain of previous days morphing into one of the worst feelings he had ever experienced. He bit his lip, trying to relax. The pain would fade eventually, right?

George's breaths were quick and shallow, unable to take a deep breath due to the pain that exploded through his chest. This couldn't be good.

"Dream?" George's voice was small, tears pricking at his eyes. He just wanted the pain to go away, it hurt so bad...

"Dream!?" George yelped, a little louder. Every breath, every miniscule movement was agony. He was suffering, eyes squeezing shut as he bit down on his lip roughly, trying to distract from his ribs.

Finally, the blond beside him began to stir. Dream's arms were resting under his head, nose twitching as he woke up.

"Mhm..." Dream mumbled sleepily, arms reaching out to pull George into an embrace.

"Ah! Dream, move, move move move!" The Brit pushed Dream lightly, a quiet whimper escaping his lips.

"...George?" Dream mumbled, rubbing his eyes. His brows were furrowed in confused sleepiness.

"Dream, please, it hurts so much..." That seemed to alert the blond. Dream was sitting up in an instant, looking at George with worry.

"Your ribs?" George nodded, eyes still squeezed shut. "Ok, ok, hold on..." He paused, frowning. "Worse than before?"

"So much worse," George whispered. Dream nodded, standing up.

"Is it ok if I pick you up? I'll be careful."

"Ok," George whispered, opening his eyes and watching as Dream stood over him, slowly moving his arms underneath George and picking him up carefully. George let out a small whimper at the movement, but didn't say anything.

"Alright, sit here." Dream set George down on the counter, getting him a small paper cup of water and the pain meds. The brunette downed the pills gratefully, fidgeting with the cup while Dream searched through his bag for something.

"Got it." The taller boy returned with a first aid kit, grinning sheepishly. "I might've taken some medical supplies from the Olympic village," he admitted. The kit was set on the bathroom counter, Dream grabbing the hem of George's hoodie and pulling it up. He met George's nervous gaze, seeing the haze of pain in the smaller boy's frightened brown eyes.

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