Ignorance is Bliss

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Next book I write will be a high school au :) thank you everyone for voting and helping me decide!!!

There are a few chapters left of this book but after that I will start working on the high school au!!!! Again thank you so much <3


Tubbo was serving again, he took a deep breath, holding the ball out. In one swift movement, he hit the ball up, up, and... straight down on the Australians' side, both of them diving for the ball but neither making it. The ball landed in the sand, along with both Australian athletes, as a loud whistle signified the end of the match.

Tommy and Tubbo had won the gold.


3rd Person P.O.V.

After the beach volleyball match, Dream and George went to congratulate the young Olympians. Tommy and Tubbo were, of course, full of exhausted energy and adrenaline. Tommy was practically jumping onto Dream, while Tubbo was talking George's ear off.

Eventually, the boys calmed down, and they parted ways. Tommy and Tubbo ran out with their coach, while Dream and George headed back to the hotel. They were tired after the excitement of the day, and George had no problem collapsing onto the bed as soon as they walked in.

"Are you going to take a nap or would you rather watch some tv?" Dream asked, sitting on the bed by George. The brunette grumbled softly, opening his eyes to look up at Dream.

"Cuddle," he mumbled, letting his eyelids flutter shut again. Dream grinned, rolling his eyes playfully.

"You're so needy," he teased, laying down beside the smaller boy and cuddling in. George just hummed in response, exhausted from the long day.

Surprisingly enough, Dream was the first one to fall asleep, head tucked into the crook of George's neck. Lulled by the soft breathing against his skin, George fell asleep as well, snuggled up with Dream.


The pair slept for a while, peaceful in each other's warmth. George woke up, hitting Dream in the face by accident.

"Hm...?" Dream picked his head up sleepily, blinking slowly.

"Hey," George mumbled, sighing and grabbing onto Dream's arm.

"I'm hungry," Dream announced, sitting up. George let out a noise of protest, whining as the warmth left his side.

"Come back..."

"No, c'mon, we're getting up, you can't spend the entire day in bed," Dream reasoned. George sighed, pouting sleepily.

"Please?" He asked, voice soft and pleading. Dream hesitated, not wanting to give in. In the end, he decided a day in bed couldn't hurt.

"Fine... I'm going to order food then, what do you want?"

"Not hungry," George mumbled. Dream sighed, nodding. He quickly ordered some food, getting a little extra just in case George changed his mind later.

"Alright. How are you feeling? Ribs ok? Wrist bothering you at all?" The blond wondered. George gave a tired shrug, humming.

"I don't feel great, but it could be worse," he admitted. Dream nodded, laying back down next to George. He pulled the smaller boy close, being careful of his ribs, and starting running a hand through George's hair.

"Then we can definitely stay in bed all day. I just want you to feel good, alright?" George nodded, closing his eyes as Dream's hands carded through his hair. "I'll turn on the tv, we can watch whatever's going on today."

"Mkay." George really didn't care what they did, he just wanted a lazy day. And Dream served as a comforting presence, holding him while they laid in bed together. It was all very... domestic, something George wasn't really used to. He was usually alone or with Niki, pushing his life aside to focus on training. He never really had anything like this before.

It hurt him to know that they only had a few days left with each other.

"Dream?" George spoke quietly.


"What do you want me to call you?" Dream stopped, fingers paused with tangles of dark hair wrapped around them.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you rather I called you Clay?"

"Oh." Dream continued running his hands through George's hair. "I mean, usually people call me Dream. I don't give out my real name that often," he admitted. "But... I wouldn't mind you calling me Clay."

"Ok, Clay." What Dream wasn't going to admit was how much he loved the way George said his name. The way it so easily rolled off his tongue, the slight accent entwining and capturing the letters in a way that felt so right, so incredibly natural and just downright normal. To Dream, it sounded as if it was fate- and perhaps it was- to have George speak his name like this. A singular syllable from the Brit, and Dream was wrapped around his slender fingers.

George had a power over Dream that nobody else had. Dream would sacrifice anything for George, he was addicted to the small brunette boy and wanted to give him the world. Even though George hadn't won a medal, he had won Dream's heart, which would prove to be so much more valuable in the end.

Dream chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "Ok, Georgie," he teased. Yeah, he would do anything for this boy. Little did Dream know, George had the same thoughts plaguing his mind.

George had been so lonely before meeting Dream. Sure, he had Niki, and he loved his best friend, but it was a different kind of love. Everything was different with Dream, George would get flustered and embarrassed so easily around him. He just wanted to kiss Dream, feel what it would be like to have his lips against the other's. He imagined it would feel like pure bliss.

Both boys sat there, cuddled up in the same bed, having the same thoughts about the other. They both felt a sense of impending hopelessness, knowing that tomorrow was the last day of the Olympics. Their last full day with each other, probably ever. The day after the closing ceremony was the day they had to leave the hotel, George taking his flight back to England, and Dream flying back to Florida, both with heavy hearts and regrets for what could've been.

It made George feel sick to his stomach. Dream was trying to push an identical feeling away, focusing on savoring these last moments with George. He couldn't spend this time worrying for what the future held for them.

They say ignorance is bliss, and Dream could certainly attest to that. Pushing his problems away made him feel better- although it didn't actually solve them.

Neither boy was focused on the tv, both off in their own worlds. George, in his world of "what if"s and "maybe if we"s, and Dream just focusing on the beautiful brunette laying by his side.

"'m tired," George mumbled, breaking the silence between them. Dream nodded, noticing the slight slur to George's voice.

"You can sleep, I'll be here." Dream let out a soft hum, cutting himself off when George shuffled around, eventually settling in Dream's lap, head resting against the blond's chest.

Dream was frozen for a moment. Snapping out of it, he continued to run his fingers through George's hair, eventually hearing light snores escaping the sleeping boy in his lap. Dream smiled uncontrollably, ever-so-carefully leaning down to press a kiss to the top of George's head.

Dream sighed, admiring the brunette until he felt his own eyes grow heavy. He fell asleep, his last thought the uneasy truth of what would certainly become of him and George after the Olympics were over.

I wonder if the ending will be happy or not 👀

Well I already know but you don't ha suck it

So sorry 😩🖐

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