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This chapter is SO LONG (like my d-)

Remember to vote on what story idea to write next!!! Its on my profile <3

TW: minor mentions of injury


"Dream, they won!" George exclaimed, gently shoving the blond's arm.

"Yeah..." Dream's gaze was firmly directed at the tv, an idea taking root in his brain. He smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, they did."


3rd Person P.O.V.

George had fallen asleep, sprawled out across the bed. His head was in Dream's lap, one arm laying across his stomach. His breaths were slow and steady, eyes closed in a peaceful sigh.

The blond had turned the tv volume down, letting the random Olympic events play in the background as George slept peacefully. He ran his fingers through George's hair, combing through his thick dark locks.

Dream watched some track and field events, the men's 10 meter platform diving final, and an equestrian final. Karl was still in the competition apparently, so Dream happily watched him and his horse jump hurdles.

The times were being compared, and a camera zoomed in on Karl, standing with Sapnap and Quackity. The three of them were all looking up at the judge stand, waiting anxiously.

"-And the gold medal will go to Karl Jacobs of team USA!" On the tv, Karl's eyes widened, hands immediately flying to his mouth. Sapnap and Quackity brought him into a group hug, laughing and cheering for the taller boy. Karl was full on crying now, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.

Dream watched with a smile, eyes widening when both Sapnap and Quackity pressed quick kisses to Karl's cheeks before the camera panned off of them.

Dream's smile returned, even brighter now. He knew there was something more going on between those three.

He turned off the tv, picking up his phone and going on YouTube. He hadn't seen Quackity compete. Dream faintly recalled the boy saying he was a surfer, so that's what he searched. And, lo and behold, there he was.

Dream clicked on the video, watching the clip of Quackity surfing. He was very good, he had to admit. However, there was someone better than him, and Quackity ended up winning the silver medal. It wasn't gold, but it was still amazing.

The clip ended, recommended videos popping up in the empty space. One of them was a compilation of highlights from the beach volleyball game, showcasing Tommy and Toby's incredible plays. Smiling to himself, Dream searched up their next match. It was tomorrow, and even better, it was the final match, playing to see who would take home the gold.

Dream was going to take George to that game tomorrow. He had to, the Brit would be ecstatic.

Dream turned off the tv, yawning. He gently moved George to the side, pulling the covers over them both before snuggling back into the brunette. Sleep wasn't hard to catch when he was cuddled up against the most beautiful boy he had ever laid eyes on.


Dream woke up, a soft mumble of protest escaping his throat. He felt something poke him in the cheek, and forced his eyes open. He was immediately gratified by the sight of a messy George, hair sticking up in tufts, a gentle grin on his features.

"Good morning," the brunette murmured. Dream couldn't hold back a smile. His arms were wrapped around the smaller boy, subconsciously avoiding his ribs.

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