Qualifiers, Round One

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Somehow I managed to make this a decently long chapter

Also just so everyone's on the same page- qualifiers don't give out medals

TW: mild anxiety


Dream glanced out the little window in his room, seeing an embarrassed George running to his room with his hands pressed against his red cheeks. Dream chuckled at the smaller boy's actions, before closing the curtain and hopping in the shower.

It was strange to think that the Olympics were officially in progress, and that tomorrow, the first Olympic medals would be handed out. Bizarre thought, right? I mean, it's not every day that you can say that... this was special. And Dream was more than proud to be a part of it.


3rd Person P.O.V.

The Olympics were officially in session, and George was ready. He had his first round of qualifiers today, in his four events. He still had some time before he was meeting Niki at the gym, so George got himself a light, healthy breakfast.

He ate in thoughtful silence, mind running wild with possibilities the day held. Literally anything could happen today, so George had to be ready to face whatever was thrown at him. His Olympic career depended on it.

After breakfast, George got changed into his official Olympic leotard, staring at his reflection for a moment and swallowing nervously. This all just became a whole lot more real. It was completely normal to have first day jitters, especially for someone like George who wasn't very big on crowds to begin with.

He looked back on his first Olympics, which had been... less than ideal. He hadn't made it very far into the competition before the stage fright got to him, causing George to completely miss a piece of his routine. It was mortifying.

That wouldn't happen this year. George wouldn't have a problem with the crowd, he had been training for this too long to let this opportunity go to waste. This would be his year.

Pulling sweats and his Olympic jacket on over his leotard, George stepped out into the hallway, sighing. A quick glance to Dream's door reminded the brunette of what had happened the night prior, cheeks turning pink at the embarrassing memory.

George did a little jog down the hall, avoiding the blond. No distractions. This was supposed to be his big day.

He took a bus to the gymnastics center, finding Niki already waiting for him outside. She waved, smiling and walking towards him as George did the same.

"Hey! Big day... you nervous?" Niki asked, pulling George into a quick hug. The boy scoffed, letting out a dry chuckle.

"Noooo... I'm perfectly fine with going out in front of the entire world and doing my routines," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course I'm nervous! What if I mess up again?"

"George." Niki put a hand on the anxious boy's shoulder, giving him a look. "It'll be fine. You'll do great! Last time was your first Olympics, you didn't know what was going on, but now you do and you'll be amazing, I just know it!" George sighed, nodding weakly.

"I guess... thanks, Niki. I don't know what I would do without you," he smiled half-heartedly, shrugging. Niki grinned, nodding and leading him inside.

"No problem. But you really need to get in there, can't have you missing your events!" Niki gave George a gentle push towards the gym, smiling encouragingly at him. "You'll do great. Now go!" George nodded, pushing the door open and taking his spot on the side with the rest of the gymnasts.

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