Ariake Gymnastics Centre

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Welcome to the chapter that shows that I know barely anything about gymnastics 😀✌

Whatever at least I'm updating, look at me goooooooo


"All male swimmers, to the green building!" The phrase was repeated in multiple languages, as was the standard here at the Olympics, and Dream joined the group outside of the green building.

They were all directed into their separate rooms, and that was that. Now, it was official- Dream was an Olympic athlete.


3rd Person P.O.V.

George awoke to the sound of knocking at his door. Yawning, the brunette sat up, rubbing his eyes and making his way to the door. Upon opening it, he was greeted by his coach, handing him a piece of paper.

"Ariake Gymnastics Centre, 20 minutes. Don't be late." George nodded dumbly, watching as his coach just walked away, heading to the next door to collect more athletes.

He closed the door, shaking his head. George appreciated his coach, of course, but he was such a bizarre man. Nothing was ever normal with him, but George supposed that could help his team gain an advantage over the other competitors.

Sighing, George got out his practice leotard, which was black with a thick blue band around the middle. He changed into it, putting on his official Olympian athletic jacket to cover up more. And with a pair of athletic sweatpants, he was ready for training.

George grabbed the paper his coach had given him, reading over it quickly. The gymnastics center was about a ten minute walk from the Olympic village, but he could make it in time.

George followed the directions on the paper, arriving at the gymnastics center with just a minute to spare. He let himself into the building, silently marveling at how beautiful it was.

Once he made it inside, George was greeted by his teammate Niki, a fellow gymnast. George and Niki had known each other for years, and had gotten closer during their constant training.

"Hi George! How's Tokyo so far?" She asked, smiling brightly. Niki had always been a positive part of George's life, like sunshine on a rainy day.

"It's alright, Niki," he shrugged, smiling back at her. "How do you like it?"

"It's really beautiful," she mused, George humming in agreement. "I know you don't like to go out, but you really should. Go meet someone, make some memories!" George sighed, shaking his head.

"I don't want to meet anyone," he mumbled, unzipping his Olympic jacket and setting it on the bench. "I'm perfectly fine just doing what I normally do. Plus I have you, I don't need anyone else." George sat down, Niki sitting beside him.

"George." The brunette looked up, looking exhausted. "You really should try to talk to people. After all, we only get the chance to be here every four years, why not take advantage of it?" She had a point, but George was stubborn.

"It's fine, really. I'd rather not talk to anyone." George sighed, standing up to take his sweatpants off to begin training. He ran his hands down the sides of his leotard, smoothing down the stretchy fabric.

He got some chalk, coating his hands and carrying the excess to the uneven bars, spreading it onto the bars. Typically, George would compete in vault, floor exercise, and pommel horse, but he loved uneven bars. Something about the way he flew through the air so gracefully always got to him.

George took a deep breath, rubbing his hands together in preparation. He was lifted up to the bar easily, and he worked almost as if he was on autopilot, flipping and flying from one bar to the next before doing a triple backflip and landing on the mat steadily.

George was quite proud of himself, that was for sure. Especially since he wasn't originally supposed to compete in uneven bars, but got permission to try. And the way his practice went? It wouldn't be to much of a stretch to say George had this in the bag.

Next, George went to vault, practicing his designated routine a few times over. He stumbled on the dismount a few times, but nothing too major, nothing that would cost him too many points. Especially considering the difficulty of his vault.

After he was satisfied with his work on vault, George went over to pommel horse, going through about half of his routine before dismounting and heading over to work on his floor routine instead. If he was being honest, George didn't like pommel horse all that much. He definitely preferred his other three events to it.

George stood at the edge of the floor mat, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. His arms flew up above his head smoothly, eyes opening as he jumped into a double handspring, kicking off the ground hard and flipping into a dismount, landing perfectly.

But he could relax quite yet. Turning to have more mat space, George ran and flipped sideways, landing with his arms up. Immediately after gaining his balance, he did a backflip, straight into an aerial. He somersaulted forwards, rolling and jumping up into a quick back handspring before posing on the floor, as he had done a thousand times before.

"Nice, George!" Niki's voice broke his concentration, making him look up at her. She leaped onto the mat gracefully, offering him a hand. "Think you're ready for the real competition?"

"Yeah. I should be," George panted, letting Niki help him up. He smiled at her gratefully, which she returned with a happy grin.

"Ready to go back? I think I'm done with training today," she shrugged. George hummed in agreement, both of them walking back to the benches together. There were still a few more gymnasts left, but their numbers had been diminishing for the past 15 minutes anyway, and neither George nor Niki had any reason to stay longer.

"I'm so tired," George complained, putting his sweatpants back on over his leotard. He shrugged his Olympic jacket over his shoulders, choosing not to zip it up due to the heat.

"You can go back to your room and take a nap, then," Niki suggested. She stood at the exit, waiting for George to finish up. He joined her a minute later, both of them walking out together.

They walked back to the Olympic village together, the conversation between them being mostly one sided. Niki could tell George was exhausted, and she didn't blame him. Although it was true that the brunette slept a lot, it had been a long day for all of them, from the plane ride, to getting to the actual Olympics, and then having practice on top of that... it was a lot.

"Rest up, George," Niki smiled, both of them heading to their separate rooms. Niki was in the yellow building, next door to the green building. George wished they were roomed closer together, but at least Niki wasn't too far away.

Yawning, George went back to his room, closing the door behind him. He changed quickly, hanging his practice leotard back up and putting on a baggy shirt and sweatpants instead. Now, finally, he could get some sleep.

George collapsed onto the bed, practically melting into the mattress. He closed his eyes, curling into a ball to fall asleep.


He was teetering on the edge of consciousness when a loud knock pulled him back awake, much to George's chagrin. Grumbling under his breath, he waited for the person to give up and go away. He really didn't want to be bothered right now...

"Hello? I know you're in there, I just wanted to say hi. I'm in the room across the hall," a voice echoed through the door. George's eyebrows furrowed. This person wasn't really giving him much of a choice. He sighed, reluctantly getting up to open the door. This better be good...


I bet you'll never guess who's at the door

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