Calm Before the Storm

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Guys the "dont break a leg" thing doesn't mean anything I'm just a theatre kid who thinks they're funny 😭🖐

I mean yes something will happen but its not necessarily what you think it is


George grimaced, shaking his head. Swimmers, he thought, letting out a tired sigh. Of course Dream would be the type to walk around shirtless.

George threw his stuff on the floor, quickly hopping into the shower and cleaning himself up before heading to bed.

Tomorrow, things would start to get real.


3rd Person P.O.V.

The opening ceremony was one of the most amazing things Dream had ever witnessed in his young life. And to think it was just the beginning of the next two weeks... absolutely incredible. He was disappointed that he would be heading back to America before the time was up, but at least he had this chance to witness the spectacle of the Olympics firsthand.

The blond sighed, grabbing his practice suit from his bag and changing into it. The idea of a late afternoon practice sounded pretty exhausting, especially after his long day exploring Tokyo and then the opening ceremony, but Dream was always happy to swim.

Ever since he was young, Dream swam for his own pleasure. He loved the way the water felt, he loved how it moved beneath his touch, how he easily commanded the water to propel him forward...

He loved the way he dove into the water seamlessly, how the adrenaline began to rush every time he stepped up to the block. He loved the addicting qualities of the water and how he was drawn in by it every time.

Yes, Dream loved swimming. So much so that he dedicated his life to it, training and racing every chance he got.

So Dream went to his practice that night, without much of a hesitation. And it went smoothly, as expected.

Most of the time, Dream was lost in thought. He wasn't particularly focused on what he had to do, he just let his body run on autopilot while his mind wandered away.

He thought a lot about George. The short, dark-haired boy was a gymnast, which Dream was fascinated by. He knew how tough of a sport it was, and how dangerous it could be, and how strong and brave George had to be to do it.

He wondered about what George thought of him. When they had first met, the brunette had been obviously not into the conversation, but Dream liked to think that George was warming up to him. Maybe he would even get to have a personal cheerleader for some of his events! Now how cool would that be?

But of course, Dream wouldn't want to pressure George into watching his events. The gymnast had a life of his own, plus all of his Olympic events that he surely wouldn't be missing. So maybe Dream shouldn't get his hopes up.

But you never know! Sometimes things don't go the way we plan...

Dream touched the wall, grabbing the edge and letting out a tired breath. Maybe that was enough practice for tonight. He had just done continuous laps the whole time, never stopping. It was good enough.

He pulled himself up and out of the pool, grabbing his towel and starting to pat himself dry. Dream pulled his swim cap off, ruffling the towel through his damp hair before draping it over his shoulders and heading back to the Olympic village.

Dream had always enjoyed warm summer nights, not too hot but not yet cold either. This was one of those nights, and the blond felt at peace under the bluish-black sky. The stars weren't out yet, or maybe there was just too much light pollution to see them. Either way, the plain night sky was still beautiful.

Dream walked into the green building, still stuck in his own world. He finally snapped out of it when he heard footsteps coming the opposite way, heading towards him.

Looking up, Dream saw a familiar face, red with blush and frozen in place. George was a little bit down the hallway, staring at him with wide eyes. If Dream hadn't been so tired, he might've stopped to gently tease the flustered brunette, but instead, he just smiled, waved, and went into his room.

Dream glanced out the little window in his room, seeing an embarrassed George running to his room with his hands pressed against his red cheeks. Dream chuckled at the smaller boy's actions, before closing the curtain and hopping in the shower.

It was strange to think that the Olympics were officially in progress, and that tomorrow, the first Olympic medals would be handed out. Bizarre thought, right? I mean, it's not every day that you can say that... this was special. And Dream was more than proud to be a part of it.

Honestly I think the dream chapters have more foreshadowing than the George chapters

Take that how you will 💁

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