Chapter 2' Cops and Teens

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• Chapter Two •
Cops & wait...Cops & Teens

Warnings: Smut, Angst.

"Okay honey, where was the last place you put Tony? Do you remember?"

I asked my 4 year old as we scanned his Avengers decorated room.

"He was in bed with me and then I heard Dodger come in and then I woke up and Tony was gone."

Hopefully Dodger wasn't chewing on Tony right now.

"Alright then, let's go down to mommy and daddy's room to see if Dodger is there and see if he took Tony, by mistake?"

My 4 year old nodded and I took his hand again as we walked down to Chris and I's bedroom. Before walking into our room I stared down at him from at the top of the stairs.

"Hey hot stuff..."

He was extremely sexually frustrated, and his member was probably uncomfortable and constrained inside of his shorts.

"How much longer? You're killing me here, doll."

"Mmm. I'm on the hunt for Tony. Sit tight." I wink at him, and giggle at him falling apart desperate for me to relieve him.

"Dodger! Where's Tony?" My four year old scolds our precious Dodge as if he knew English. Even though he does because he understands most of what Chris and I tell him.

I let go of my child's hand to walk around my bedroom that I share with Chris. I look in our closet, in our master bathroom - and nothing.

I have one final place to search in and that's underneath our bed. And there he was, staring back at me with the iron mask and suit. Just lying there. Dodger must've came and played with it and pushed him off when he had enough.

"Guess who I found, bubba?" I grab Tony the doll and wave it around to get my 4 year old's attention.


He gently takes it from me and cuddles him tightly. Ah, finally I can put my child to sleep and see if Chris and I have enough time before the older kids come back for some - late night activities.

I walk my child back to his room, and tuck him into his bed.

"Good night, sweetheart. I'll see you in the morning."

I kiss his cute little cheeks before standing up to turn his night light on.

"Good night, mommy."

I wink at him and smile, before lightly shutting the door. Then on my way back to the stairs, I saw that Dodger was asleep on Chris and I's bed so no having sex there.

I guess the couch will do.

"I'm baackk..." I playfully say stepping down the last two steps.

Chris was on the couch still, watching an old game of the patriots. I guess his way of distracting his own self.

"I think I'm gonna turn in for the night.." I stretch my arms and pretend to yawn.

"Absolutely not..."

He grabs me and sits me down on his lap. He's still hard. Mhm. Mhm.

"...Now where were we..." he whispers.

"I think we were about - right here..." I smile before leaning into kiss him, hungrily.

His hands went up into my hair as I began rocking my hips back and forth on him to create more friction between us.

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