Chapter 20' Kid Free

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Chapter 20
• Kid Free •

Welcome back my IWTD BABIES! I have a special treat to start off this month strong

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Welcome back my IWTD BABIES! I have a special treat to start off this month strong. All new IWTD update 😍💛✨☁️

Our teenagers and littles are back, as this Evans household prepare to go their separate ways for the day!

Enjoy my loves, looking forward to your guys' thoughts 🥰🥹

~ Y/n ~

I wake up to a soft familiar sensation on my lips, and the warm feeling of the morning sun on my skin and my face.

I start to move my legs under the comforter, feeling the soreness that's appeared there—and then I remember why it's there that makes me smile and my heart to flutter.

I'm not even fully awake, yet this is what Chrissy does to me. He's in my blood now, he's tattooed in my heart and I can never get him out. Not that I'd want to.

Another gentle, sweet sensation hits my lips, it takes a second for my brain to process it: a kiss.

I sigh, and I blindly reach to touch Chris's face, not wanting to try to open my heavy eyes right now.

"Good morning, honey," he whispers, his voice a gentle reminder of how sweet my husband is with me.

I murmur some kind of reply, it's still way too early, and I'm taking advantage that the baby isn't taking me for a lovely trip to the bathroom. Which they've been doing first thing every morning like clockwork.

"It's still really early," Chris kisses my forehead, "keep sleeping." Another kiss to my lips, a feather like one, "I know you're tired."

That's the last thing I hear before knocking out again, feeling safe and more than content in my husband's big arms.

A good while later, I hear my kids making a mess in the kitchen. And my stomach rumbles with hunger.

I then hear Chris sort of yelling at Kaleb to stop doing something, then I hear his heavy steps run up the stairs. He's glad to see me awake, he's already showered but he's in comfy clothes.

Immediately he straddles me, and I laugh, he keeps me trapped in my lying position, "good morning, again," he sasses, and I reach for his hand.

Picking it up to graze my fingers over his knuckles, and to kiss his palm, "good morning, handsome."

He flips his hand to cradle my face, "I need you to get ready, Mrs.Evans, because you and I are going on a date."

Satisfaction bubbles inside me, a sweet, divine feeling. Of being desired and cherished, since Chris and I are busy parents of four we barely have time for ourselves.

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