Chapter 21' Just The Two of Us

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This chapter will focus on parents date day ☺️🌊and chapter 22 will focus on how the kids are doing 🧐...let's hope everyone is still together LOL

💛 Without further ado....Chapter 21 💛
Just The Two of Us

The gravel under the car makes you feel excited, as you pass by the beautiful Los Angeles scenery, such as the palm trees and the beach

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The gravel under the car makes you feel excited, as you pass by the beautiful Los Angeles scenery, such as the palm trees and the beach.

Chris's hand wrapped around your thigh, and your hand around his wrist, gently playing with his skin. As he focused on driving and the cars ahead of him on the freeway.

A day with just your hubby...ah, nothing better than this.

What sucks is you can't drink with him, not until the new baby is born. But his company will do, and mocktails.

Your phone buzzes, but with just a notification from Amazon, letting you know the latest thing on sale, you quickly check your screen though.

Wondering if maybe Aria or Kayden were calling out for help this early.

"Babe," Chris says, still looking ahead. Still looking sexy as hell in his sunglasses, and perfectly coiffed hair, "they're fine."

"What if Lai Lai is freaking out?" All these anxious questions enter your mind, it's not easy being away from your babies.

Chris's light chuckle makes you frown, "she's not. She's fine."

"How do you know though?"

Your husband squeezes your thigh, trying to soothe you, and your noisy brain, "they're all fine, we're fine, it's fine."

Nodding you take a deep breath, and try to soak up the moment of it just being you and Chris, with no crying Lai Lai, yelling Lebby, or complaining teenagers.

"When you get a chance can you check the GPS on your phone? I think I missed our turn..." Chris subtly scratches his upper lip, not wanting to alarm you but he's been driving randomly for the last 10 minutes.

As a man it's hard to admit they made mistakes, especially when driving. Because when Chris started driving he had to memorize the maps, not rely on any technical he tends to be very stubborn in that case.

"You mean...we're...we're lost?" You look around and sure enough you don't recognize where you are. Chris sees you're starting to freak out. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything.

"It's fine! We're fine! They're fine!" Your husband repeats but it doesn't make you feel better this time.

"Chris..." you gulp looking around at the dangerous town Chris's car was pulling up in.

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