Chapter 19' Puppy Love - Part 1

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Chapter 19
Puppy Love 💕

Part One

Warnings: jealous Chris, manipulative Sarah, different POVs, flashback parts. Scared JJ, overall family vibes.

• HI MY BABIES!!! all new IWTD update! ✨ not a longer chapter like we're used to, but here's the first part of two, ⭐️Chapter 19⭐️

🌼 Looking forward to reading everyone's comments! 🌼

from chapter 18...

I pick her up and walk her around, soothing her, and trying my best to explain why that just happened, since she's just a toddler she doesn't understand she did give permission to her brother to take a bite.

Coach appears with a stressed look on his face, "where is your son?" He looks down at his watch, "we have to walk out in 5 minutes and Kayden is nowhere to be found."

"Oh, Chris," Chris knows that the quiver in your voice is not good. You're stressing, and after what Coach just said was not helping you calm down, "where could he be?"

"Baby, it's fine, you're fine," Chris reassures you, he hooks his arm around you and pulls you into him, "he'll turn up. Let me call him."

"No need," Kayden appears, holding his helmet.

He looks a bit emotional, but normal at the same time. You're not sure, but all you know is that your oldest was somewhere, and something deep had just happened - it's all in Kayden's eyes.

"Kayenn!!" Laï Laï gives her big brother a chinky smile, reaching her arms out to him, so that he would hold her. And Kayden gladly takes her from his father's arms.

Kayden kisses his baby sister's cheek, "the boys are all lined up, they're waiting on us, let's go."

Grabbing hands with Lebby, Kayden hold Alaia as you and Chris follow him, before Chris was twisting his lips to whistle at Aria, an ick - possibly the only one - you had of him.

"Don't call her like she's a puppy, Chris," You groan, holding his hand, and reaching to touch his arm while you both looked at how Aria said something to her friend's all the way up top on the bleachers.

"I can call her anyway I want," He sasses me, and for a second you think he's talking seriously but that little naughty boy smirk on his lips says it all.

Laughing, you squeeze his hand, "you better watch your tone, Christopher."

"Now presenting, Kayden Anthony Evans, number 3, our star quarterback and Captain, accompanied tonight by his father Chris, mother Y/n, sisters Alaia and Aria and little brother Kaleb! Let's hear it for our Captain."

The crowd goes wild for Kayden, and although you're used to attending fancy events with Chris, you still felt so shy under these bright stadium lights, and a large crowd facing you and watching your every move.

But as you look over at your growing family, there isn't anyone else you'd want to share this moment with. Just your Chrissy.

~ Kayden ~

I smile at everyone cheering us on, I have to admit I feel pretty good inside sharing this moment with my parents and my siblings. And it's at this moment I realize how much I am going to miss them when I head to college.

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