Chapter 23' It's All a Misunderstanding

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My beautiful readers here is another chapter to our fav Evans bunch! ☺️🌼💛 WILL Kayden be grounded?! WILL Chris have a heart attack?! Find out at the end! ✨🥹


💛 Chapter 23 💛
It's All a Misunderstanding

"Babe." Chris sighs into your ear, the waves crashing around you both. You know that deep, lustful voice well.

Extremely well.

But it's a bad idea, you both were way out in public. And with Chris's career, you both were always watched.

Perhaps there weren't any paparazzi near but that didn't mean others weren't.

And the public likes to talk.

"Please, honey." Chris kisses all over your throat, gentle and sweet kisses training up to your face. You feel yourself grow weak.

And to the point where the word "no" is nonexistent.

The water feels so nice around you both, your dress is soaked and so are Chris's shorts but who cares?

The ocean water refreshes you, especially on this very warm day. Chris is somehow strong to stand up from the sand and the water while holding you.

Laughing and hugging him because the ocean breeze was now causing little shivers to emerge inside you. Chris rushes to hide behind a large rock.

He's always been this way, since he was just a teenager. Perhaps when he was Kayden's age he was even more reckless, Lisa knows. Lisa can vouch for you.

"Chris, we can't!" You advise him, he doesn't believe a word you say because of the smile on your face.

You want to be young and reckless with him, he knows it. Relive old times...

"We can!" He's quick to say, sneaking you behind a dark rock where no one else was around he starts to take his shorts off.

You've never been more in love with this man, the kids are a thought in the back of your mind. You're going to let go and just have fun.

What's the worst that can happen? You're already pregnant.

Whipping your dress over your head, you're left in just your panties and bra. Chris grabs your hips and sits you on top of him after he takes a seat back on the sand.

Grabbing his face you kiss him, being guided by the adrenaline roaming through your veins. You barely hear the gentle zzzz of his zipper, as he does his best to pull himself out.

This is one of his fantasies coming true: sex on the beach with you.

"Chris," you gasp as he runs his tongue up the side of your throat, while dragging his lips along with it. The kisses erupt shivers within you.

The breathy sound of his name falling from your lips is nothing but pure angelic music to his ears, grabbing your waist a bit harder.

He always has that lingering thought in his head that he can't be as rough as he wants to be. Dipping his hand in your hair, he angles your lips just where he wants them.

This is wrong, and maybe his kisses were distracting you from the fact that there was a sinking feeling in your stomach.

"Excuse me," another deep voice appears. And you both are quick to turn to look at it.

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