Chapter 12' The Banquet

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• Chapter Twelve
The Banquet 🏆

Warnings: smut! fluff, angst! Lightly proofread, I apologize for any mistakes.

Again, I LOVE this book

You guys have waited long enough, without further ado...

"Listen, my son and my husband are here. I want to see them! I have the right to see them." You calmly repeat to the police officer in front of you, sitting at his desk, chewing on a piece of gum that is annoying you.

"For the last time, ma'am," he sighs, "I can't do that."

"Like hell, you can't," your eyes drift to his name tag, "Officer Hoyle. Please my son is only 17 years old, he's just a kid!"

Sarah and you were standing in the middle of this police station dressed super fancy, Sarah held your clutch as you begged for the 5th time to this officer to let you see Chris and Kayden.

"What are their names?" Hoyle huffs annoyed and continue to chew his gum.

"Christopher Robert Evans and Kayden Anthony Evans, please," you plead with your eyes, they took them away so fast, and you're starting to freak out here, your heart thumping in your chest.

This certainly wasn't good for the baby, but Chris isn't here to calm you down like he always does.

Officer Hoyle types away at his computer, Sarah watches as they bring in yet another criminal who has gave her looks and smirked, she doesn't feel safe here neither do you, despite being surrounded by 10 police officers all walking back and forth, opening and closing doors, talking on the phone, into their radios.

She hopes those criminals aren't being brought into the same cell as Kayden's or Mr.Evans'

"Could they have another name?" Hoyle looks up at you from over his glasses, sitting at the bridge of his nose. He's an older man, grey hair combed to the side.

You tighten your brows, you're on the verge of having a panic attack, you feel sick and weak and you just want Chris and Kayden back.

"You mean...they aren't in the system?" You try to swallow but your throat is too dry to do so.

"Maybe....maybe not...or they are at different stations."

You wave your hand at your face to create some cool wind, because you feel like your skin is melting, "you're saying there's a possibility that they aren't together?" You say in quick, shorten breaths. The thought of your baby boy in a prison cell surrounded by criminals without the protection of his father is just too much for you.

"Maybe...maybe not."

Sarah urges you to sit down, and you barely hear her yell at someone for a cup of water.

• 12 hours before - 9:00 am  •

"Mama," you hear a baby voice talk in your ear, "I hungry, Mama."

You flutter your eyes open, and turn to see Alaia sitting beside the headboard in between you and Chris, who was deep asleep still.

"Baby, C'mere," you gather her in my arms, and she picks her chubby hand up to explore your face.

"What do you want for breakfast?" You whisper towards her. And giggle as she puts her thinking face on.

"Waffas!" She says a moment later, clapping her two tiny hands together. Abruptly waking Chris.

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