Chapter 4' Happiest Place on Earth

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• Chapter Four
Happiest Place on Earth

Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of eating disorder.

**Y/N'S POV**

30 minutes later and we landed in Anaheim, California.

I shook my leg the whole time, sitting next to Chris. He knew something was wrong because I was nervous.

He placed a firm hand on my thigh stopping the jerking of my leg.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He whispers.


Chris gives me a look, knowing that I'm lying.

"Alrighty folks, welcome to Anaheim!" The pilot comes out to tell us.

He's been Chris's pilot for years, ever since Chris and I began dating.

"Thanks, Uncle Joe." Kayden pats the pilot's shoulder while holding Alaïa in one hand.

And Aria held Kaleb in her arms while they played on his Nintendo switch. Since the older kids didn't have their phones.

I have to speak to Aria - alone - because of Chris finds out he will kill me and her.

We gather our things and hop off the plane.

"We'll talk later." Chris kisses my forehead before taking Alaïa from Kayden.

Aria and I were the last ones, along with Kaleb who I was helping put on his shoes.

Then he walked down the stairs and I watched Chris pick him up, while still carrying Alaïa in his other arm.

"C'mere." I grab aria's arm and lead her to the far end of the plane to avoid Chris hearing us.

"Anything you wanna tell me, Aria?" I cross my arms, and look at her with stern eyes.

She realizes I'm mad about something and is probably thinking of all the things she's done.

"I swear, mom," she sighs, "I'm gonna get my grade up in English. It's just I hate writing essays! They are so boring!"

"No! It's not about your grades, Aria!" I whisper yell.

"Okay, fine, fine," she sighs again, "I will give Kayden back his hoodies that I stole."

"No! It's not about that either!" I put my foot down.

"Mom, that's literally the only bad thing I've ever done in my life." Aria tilts her head.

"You and this JJ kid, how long have you been 'talking'?" I ask.

"I'm not sure I guess only a few weeks, why?" She responds.

"Are you having unprotected sex, Aria?"

It was a hard question to ask but I needed an answer.

"OH MY GOD MOoOM!!" She complains, her cheeks heating up, embarrassed.

Even though she didn't have anything to be embarrassed about, I just want her to be safe.

"Well?" I await a response.

"NO! I AM NOT!" She whisper yells, "I-I'm a virgin."

I take a deep breath, and pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, honey. It's just, your brother found a pregnancy test in the bathroom and I knew I didn't take the test so I-I figured..."

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