Chapter 14' The Birds & The Bees

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• Chapter Fourteen
The Birds & The Bees 🐝

"Bye, Mrs. Evans, everything was amazing, thank you for letting me come for dinner." JJ appears while you dry the plates Chris was handing you after he washed them.

After dinner, Kayden headed up to take a shower, said something about feeling "hot," and after some serious convincing to your husband, he finally allowed JJ to stay a bit longer only for Aria to give him a tour of the house.

Didn't stop Chris from constantly turning his head to make sure Aria and JJ took the appropriate time in each room and part of the house.

"They've been in the basement for 10 minutes now. I don't like that," your husband would say, a scowl on his lips.

Making you giggle at how protective he is over his daughter, "baby, it's been not even 5 minutes since they went down there. JJ is probably admiring Kayden's PlayStation collection."

Now the tour was over and JJ was heading home, "bye sweetie! So good meeting you. This is your home, feel free to come whenever you'd like!" You kindly offer and grab him to give him a big, warm hug.

He's not used to those kinds of hugs, considering his mother had left when he was just a baby, and his father...well his father wasn't a hugger.

Laï Laï appears with Dodgey behind her, "bai, JJ!" She crinkles her tiny baby hand at him.

In which you both pull away from the hug, "and little Alaïa here likes you already."

"And me too!" Lebby announces, appearing from behind Aria and walking closer to the middle of you and JJ.

JJ laughs happily at the kindness he's receiving, "I like you guys too."

"You're welcome here anytime, JJ, really." You add, smiling softly at him, and at Aria.

JJ smiles at you, but gulps at the expression on Chris's face, not mean or condescending — scary. Scary is how he'd describe it.

"Right, baby?" You turn to your husband, making sure he agrees with you, Chris simply smiles and nods at you when your eyes land on him.

Just to keep death glaring at JJ when you turned around, Aria is oblivious to it all she's just watching JJ and her mom interact.

"Thank you for letting me into your home, sir," JJ trembles down to his shoes while reaching to shake Chris's hand.

Chris doesn't say anything but give JJ's hand a good firm shake, noticing that bruise he saw earlier being shown again as JJ's sleeve rose up.

Kayden walks into the kitchen where this was all happening, his phone to his ear, "yo, Dad, the club says they have a space for the time you wanted. Should I reserve it?"

Kayden moves the bottom part of his phone away from his ear, to be able to hear his father's response.

Chris widens his eyes, already knowing what's going to happen, he shakes his head from side to side a bit to let Kayden know he should really stop talking.

"My dad and Kayden always go golfing on Saturdays, while me and my mom do some damage at the outlets." Aria explains to JJ, who was a bit lost as to what was going on.

"Oh!" Your mind lights up with an idea, "I bet JJ would love to accompany you guys."

Kayden looks at what he's done, Chris puts a hand on his forehead, and JJ shift's uncomfortably in his dress shirt he was wearing, his presence isn't wanted, at least not by Chris's part.

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