Chapter 16' Kie's Party

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Chapter 16
• Kie's Party 🔥

Warnings; flip/flop POVs, Kayden's heart breaking, mentions of teen drinking and smoking, angst, parts of fluff, also a tiny flashback!

Hi my loves, before you read, take this time to let everything else go, this is your escape, it's "you" time, nothing else matters, because you're now entering the place where you are a mother of 4, pregnant with your 5th🥰

Here we go! 💛🌻

Pulling up to Sarah's house, Chris tries to remain calm. But Kayden has already upset you, and cause unnecessary stress to the baby.

He hates seeing you stressed. Especially when you're pregnant. He's going to try his best not to yell at his son - not in front of his girlfriend anyway.

But he has a lot of explaining to do.

The house was dark, and only the kitchen light was on. Kayden's car wasn't in the driveway but Sarah's jeep was.

Still, Chris parks the car and hops out. You'd want him to still knock and ask for Kayden, even though his car wasn't here.

Giving the front door to good, strong knocks, Chris waits, and while he waits he's reminded of the time his mom was mad at him for being out the whole afternoon...until she found out he was with you.

~ Boston, 1998 ~

Chris sneaks into his house from the backside, slipping through the backdoor. His hat backwards and the most in love smile on his face.

The house is quiet, and dark. Tomorrow morning he's definitely going to be in trouble with his mom. Gently tip toeing his way to the stairs to make it to his room, the light in the living room switches on.

"Christopher Robert, it is 10 o'clock at night. Where have you been? I have been worried sick!" Lisa scolds her teenage son, wearing her robe and her pajamas.

"Hi, Mom," Chris says with a smile his eyes glancing over at a clock, "it's 9:15."

"And your curfew is 8pm, on school nights, mister," Lisa crosses her arms, "where have you been? And don't tell me you were with Zach and Alex because I called their mothers they said those boys were still at home."

"Mom, mom," Chris tries to calm down his mother, she's not normally like this. Only when she's very agitated. Normally she's very chill.

"I was with...a girl," Chris confesses, and can't help but smile at the thought of you, "I showed her around the lake and we lost track of time. I just got back from walking her home."

"A girl?" Lisa raises, her tone of voice changing from anger to excitement, she loves this type of stuff, especially young love. She finds it to be the purest form of love.

"Yeah," Chris smiles at thinking about you, biting his lower lip subtly, "I'll bring her over this week. She babysits after school so she's usually busy."

"I want to meet her!" Chris's mom squeals, she looks into her son's eyes, and oh goodness she could see them sparklin'

"What's her name? Where does she live? Where is her family from? Are they a good family? How did you guys meet—"

"—good night, Ma!" Chris jogs up the stairs, taking his hoodie off as he entered his room.

"Christopher! Answer me!" Lisa can't contain her excitement, and she puts her hands on her hips as she chases after her teen son.

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