Chapter 7' Daddy's Mad

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• Chapter Seven •
Daddy's Mad

Many of you asked for this update so I worked hard on finishing this in one night 🙏

Warnings: ouuhh, this is an angsty one. Flip/flop between Third Person POV and your POV. Read carefully!

My daughter and I looked at each other in worry and not wanting to hear Chris's lecture.

I look at Aria to see if she's going to try the "please Dad, I'm sorry" card but she was in shock and I think probably really scared.

So I put my big girl pants on, Chris doesn't scare me anyway, 'm just worried because this was a a secret I kept from him.

"Chris, um, if you will just let her explain." I plead, walking up to him.

"Aria, come into the kitchen."

He grabs my hand and looks at our daughter, hitting Kayden on his arm because he's laughing at this encounter.

Chris roughly pulls me into the kitchen, not too hard. I step on my two feet, as I look at him with puppy eyes.

"You allowed her to have an Instagram." He says, crossing his arms, his phone still in his hand.

My guess is that he put the dots together and that his management team found Aria's Instagram because she changed her name.

"Baby, she had just turned 16 and you said no social media until you allowed them to. But she was just so sad, and I wanted to see her happy so I-I, listen if it makes you any less angry, I helped her through the process...."

"....I keep tabs on it everyday, I have the password...." I desperately try to explain myself and avoid one of his lectures.

".....I made sure she wasn't talking to anyone strange, it's just some harmless photos that she wants to share with her friends, baby. Please don't be mad at her." I try to grab his forearm and he lets me but still doesn't give in.

He clears his throat, still giving me his 'dad' look.

"I'm not mad at her,"

I never felt so belittled under his stare, he was really mad at me.

Aria rushes into the kitchen, dragged in by her guilt, knowing that Chris was giving me a hard time..

"Dad! it's not mom's fault, it's mine. I begged her and I begged her to let me download the app. So if you're going to be mad at someone be mad at me." She stands next to me, and I smile softly at her, she actually came to show responsibility.

Chris looks at the both of us, still angry. Licking his lips, but that crease in his forehead stayed, which is how I knew he was still pissed.

"I want the password, and you can only follow your friends and people that your mom and I know. That's it. If I see you're following random people, I will make you delete it, Aria."

"YES! Aha!" She squealed, jumping into his arms and giving him a hug. He hugs her back, kissing her forehead, "thanks Dad."

Kayden steps into the kitchen as well, "Wait if she has Instagram, then I want one too! I'm older than her!"

Chris sighs, "Fine, Kayden. But same rules apply to you. Your followers or whoever you're following should be your mom's friends, my friends, and your friends."

"Oh my god, you're telling me I can follow Zendaya?! Oh my god, where's my phone." My oldest says as he runs out of the kitchen to get his phone from his room.

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