Chapter 13' Punched In

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• Chapter Thirteen •
Punched In 🚫

Warnings: fluff, angst!! Lightly proofread, I apologize for any mistakes. Mentions of sexual harassment.

Hi again my lovelies🥰 glad to see you guys here, thank you so much for supporting me and my work, I won't get tired of saying it! It's because of you that I continue to write.

Without motivation or support, I think I would've ended a long time ago.

Without further ado...


You and Chris watch as Kayden walks Sarah to her front door of her house.

You smile and remember the times Chris would walk you to your house and sneak in a kiss before you had to walk in.

Kayden does the same, Sarah and him quickly share a kiss and she waves bye to him.

You made sure she was okay, after everything that happened tonight. She assured you that she was fine, and thankful that she had Kayden and Mr.Evans to defend her.

She also mentioned that she was worried and felt sad for Aria.

If she felt that way, you felt worse.

Your heart crushed into a million tiny pieces at the news of your baby girl going through your worst nightmare.

You wish you were there to protect her.

Kayden hops back into the car, no words are spoken, just the sound of Chris driving his family back home.

"So..." Kayden clears his throat, seeing that they're entering the neighborhood.

You turn to look at him, your baby boy, his tie undone and that gash on his forehead drying up but still looks like it hurts.

Chris flickers his eyes to the rear view mirror, once he sees his parents attention are on him, Kayden continues to speak.

"Another baby?" Kayden runs his hands down his slacks, he can't explain it but after everything that has happened tonight, he feels so shocked to hear this, but then again used to it because he's been through your pregnancies with Kaleb and Alaïa.

He's too close in age to Aria to remember you being pregnant with her.

"Yeah," you smile big, "kind of just...happened." You look at Chris and he smiles at you.

"Does Aria know?" Kayden asks, his eyes wide and curious as he awaits a response from you.

"No, honey, just you." You answer, curling your lips into another soft smile.

"We meant for you kids to find out together, soon," Chris looks over at you, and then at his son through the rear view mirror, speaking but focused on driving, "but I guess it kind of just slipped my mind when I said it today."

Chris was the one to confess it accidentally, with Kayden overhearing earlier at the station.

"Please tell me it's a boy." Kayden says after a while, "I can't handle another girl, another Alaïa. I'm screwed if I get another Alaïa."

You laugh, and Chris does too, Alaïa is definitely the spoiled princess of the family. She won't be too thrilled to hear about that status ranking changing.

"I don't know yet, my love, the baby is still really small but once we do find out, your dad and I will do something special and tell you guys." You giggle at Kayden's stressed face at the thought of another baby sister.

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