Chapter 9' Recovery

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• Chapter Nine •

Warnings: mentions of being in the hospital, angst, fluff, your mother in this AU (she's a warning) also mentions of abuse.

Finally updated this book, that I love! 💕 it's been such a long time but I'm happy I finally got it done!

Special Guest: JJ Maybank


"Yo there he is," John B did his handshake with his best friend JJ, "where have you been man? You haven't been to school in a week."

JJ sighs, "My dad beat the crap out of me, so I over stayed my welcomed at the hospital cause I didn't want to come back."

John B frowns at his friend, "I always tell you to go report that son of a bitch and you never do."

They continue to walk down the hall of their high school, bookbag a half opened with last week's homework poking out.

"I report him John B and it's bye bye JJ and hello Foster Mom and Dad," JJ explains.

Then Kie was approaching the two boys.

"Morning..." She says with a tired sigh, she stayed up almost all night waiting to hear from Kayden any updates on Aria.

"What's up Kie?" John B greets her.

"Where's your partner in crime?" JJ wonders, asking about Aria.

Truth was he was down bad for her, she was beautiful, not only that but smart and funny. And they had a lot in common, he enjoyed spending time with her even though her Dad doesn't let her go out much.

"You don't know?" Kie says, furrowing her eyebrows at JJ.

Both John B and JJ were confused, and didn't know what she was referring to. They all kept walking, approaching their first class of the day.

"Aria's in the hospital."

JJ's heart dropped, suddenly he felt sick to his stomach.


"Good morning, class. Please take out your textbooks." Mr.Johnson speaks as everyone took their seats but JJ stood at the doorway.

Kie and John B urged him to sit down but he didn't listen and took off bolting out of the school, grabbed his bike and began pedaling.

Dr.Grey knocked on Aria's hospital room, Chris and you were by her side asleep on the couch. You had your head in his lap as he played with your hair. He was wide awake and hasn't been able to sleep just in case Aria were to wake up and not have someone there.

Kayden was in the corner, sleeping with his hat over his face in the chair.

Realizing that everyone was asleep but Chris, Dr.Grey approaches him as they make eye contact.

"Just came to check on her scar," she says, very very softly and waking over to Aria's hospital bed side, removing the covers and lifting her gown up in order to see the freshly made scar.

Chris watches her exam Aria, using the small flashlight that she had taken out from the pocket on her white coat. Gently rubbing his fingers on your scalp, his hand buried in your hair as you finally got some sleep.

"She looks great," Dr.Grey smiles at Chris, one that Chris returned, "I'll be back later to discuss her recovery."

Chris nods and watches as she leaves the hospital room, quietly closing the door.

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