Chapter 10 ~ Just You & I

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warnings: not proofread, all mistakes are mine,  S M U T, fluff, baby talk, a little angst, did i say Smut?


You sat at the edge of Aria's bed, feeding her soup and her favorite of course, chicken noodle.

Her eye roll made you smile because she knew you were babying her and you were enjoying every minute.

"I remember when there was a time that you loved me feeding you, you wouldn't eat unless your dad or myself were feeding you." You mention, and hum quietly at the memory.

"That's because I was a child, I'm a grown up now." She says, after swallowing a mouthful of soup.

"A grown up? Well, I think you're turning into a fine young lady, but definitely not grown up yet." You counter-argue.

"Mom!" She whines, "I'm totally a grown up, I do my own homework, I hangout with my friends, wash my own laundry, feed myself...." she looks at you and the bowl of soup and then back at your eyes, "....the majority of the time."

You chuckle at her, feeding her another spoonful.

"Exactly, you're a teenager who does teenage things." You grab the napkin in your hand and pat around her mouth.

She pouts at you, still not getting what she wanted which was for you to call her a grown adult.

"Honey, if you truly think about it, I'm the one who makes your food which you feed yourself, and Dad's the one who has the job and the money to be able to buy that food" You nod and softly roll your eyes at her, "and you do your own laundry but then who's the one who folds it and brings it to your room? Who's the one who manages all your school events?"

"Ugh," She swallows another spoonful, "why are you always right?"

"Cause I'm your mother and mothers know best, sweetheart." You put the empty bowl on her nightstand, throwing the spoon and used napkin in there too.

It was just starting to get dark outside, which meant it was dinner time here at the Evans House.

Chris was downstairs with your mother feeding the other children.

"Okay mother," Aria says with a bit of sassiness, "what makes you a grown up then?"

"Well for starters, I am married, and I'm over the age of 19."

Aria rolls her eyes, "please, you married Dad when you were like 19!"

"I was 21," I correct her, "and we had just moved into our house here in LA, where we paid bills, raised a baby, tried our best to make ends meet with your father going to acting school and starting his first gig."

Aria stays looking at you, wondering.

"Listen honey, I'm not saying you aren't responsible or that you aren't mature. I'm just saying you haven't completely grown up yet...and what's the rush to?! You're almost 17 years old, trust me you want to make the best of it before you do have to worry about adult responsibilities."

Aria's eyes soften, nodding.

You stand up from the edge of her bed and kiss her forehead, "love you sweetheart."

"love you too Mom," She responds, "wait I have something to say, how are you a grown up if you don't pay any bills?"

You sigh, wondering when you guys even started this conversation of being a grown up.

And it was true, nor did you have a job nor did you pay any bills....because your husband is a celebrity.

Lucky you, Kayden comes and saves you.

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