Chapter 6' Instagram Family

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• Chapter Six •
Instagram Family

Warnings: SMUT! Fluff, angst. Flip/flop between Chris and your POV.

After watching the firework show, Alaïa fell asleep in my arms.

"She's unimpressed, huh?" Chris looks over me to see Alaïa fast asleep in my arms, her lips puckering out.


Him and I giggle, as to see that our youngest fell asleep during a firework show.

"And where are your older ones?" I ask Chris, as he eats the rest of his Mickey churro.

"Oh, my older ones?" He says sarcastically.

"Yes, Christopher. Your older ones, you are watching them right?"

"Yesss...." He looks around the park, "...uh...."

"Chris! You said you were—"

"...yes, they're right there! Coming our way! What do you know..."

I roll my eyes, looking down at Kaleb who's grabbing at my shirt.

"What is it, K?" I ask him.

"I need to go potty." He moves his body side to side, vigorously.

"Chris, babe, I'm gonna take Lebby to the bathroom."

He nods, as he watches our older ones approach us. I hand Alaïa off to Chris and she's still out like a light.


"Where's mom going?" Kayden asks me, as Aria takes a seat next to me to look at Alaïa.

"Taking Kaleb to the bathroom." I gently rub my hand up and down Alaïa's back to keep her asleep, because if she is rudely awaken, she's not a cute little angel anymore.

Aria yawns and so does Kayden, "Tired, guys?" I ask them.

"Yeah," Aria scoots closer to me putting her head on my shoulder.

It was dark now, around 9pm, yet a lot of people were walking around the park still. But my kiddos were all tired. And so was I if we were being honest.

I turn my head a bit to kiss the top of Aria's. Even though she's 16, she's still my baby girl.

That same baby girl who made me a girl dad, who would practice doing makeup on me when she was 4 years old because she'd see her beautiful mom doing it.

Aria would make me play dolls with her and I was happy to play with her.

16 years later and she still has me wrapped around her finger.

Kayden is quiet, watching the people walking around the park.

I was just about to say something to him when I see my beautiful wife and my baby boy, walking hand in hand.

"Another one?" Y/n says, looking at aria who was sleeping on my shoulder.

"Yeah, we should head back to the hotel." I suggest, my wife nods, putting everything away back into the stroller.

"Aria, honey?" I whisper, making her flutter her beautiful eyes open, looking up at me.

"Are we leaving?"

"Yeah, sweetheart. Then you can sleep in your room." I reassure her.

I hand my wife Alaïa and she carefully sets her down into the stroller, only to have her start crying hysterically.

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