Chapter 15' You're Grounded

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Chapter 15
• You're Grounded •

You watch Aria head to her room after JJ left, Kayden was hanging out with Sarah for the majority of the evening after pizza downstairs in the little man cave Chris and Kayden have.

"Bye Sarah," you smile and hug her kindly, she was leaving now. JJ left and now Sarah was leaving, now it was time to figure out what the hell is wrong.

"Bye Mr.Evans," Sarah is short and your husband is very tall so it's adorable to see their height difference as Sarah leans in for a friendly hug.

Chris holding Laï Laï up in his right arm, she pats Sarah's head as Chris hugs her, giggling Sarah waves bye to Alaïa and Alaïa excitedly waves back.

It's evident that the younger kiddos like Sarah, and they like JJ.

Kayden walks her to the door, and by the looks of it to her car as well, which was parked across the street. You're thankful you raised such a gentleman. Just like his father was at that age.

"Who are we talking to first?" Chris whispers, as he hands you Alaïa so he could pick up a sleeping Kaleb from the couch.

"Aria, I have a feeling we'll get more out of her."

After putting the little ones to bed, Chris and you head to Ari's room, where her favorite show was on her TV obviously some background noise as she got ready for bed.

Her headband up in her hair, as she brushed her teeth in her bathroom. Already changed in her silky pink pajamas.

"Hi sweetie, can your dad and I talk with you?" Chris is close behind you as you poke your head into Ari's room.

"Sure," she mumbles around her toothbrush, you drag Chris into Aria's room, it's much more tidy and neater than Kayden's room that's for sure.

"What's up?" You wait for Aria to be done with her routine, she plops down on her bed. Her hair already in a braid.

You take a seat at the edge of her bed, Chris behind you, "honey, your dad and I, we know there's something going on between you, Sarah and Kayden. And well, we're disappointed in how you acted towards her in the store today. So if you could please tell us what's going on, so we could understand."

Chris doesn't chime in because you did a pretty good job at handling that.

Aria gulps, her heart racing because if she knows her parents well, she knows she's going to get the short end of the stick.

"Mom...I'm sorry about the way I acted towards Sarah today. I was just upset. I-I'm on my period and I'm moody, okay?"

You frown, she's lying to you, you know when she's on her cycle because she always has you make her chamomile tea. And you did already earlier this month.

"Ari, just tell us the truth, it's okay. I promise. We want to help you guys." You put a hand on her hand, hoping she'll just come out and say it. Put an end to this misery, and endless maze.

Aria remains quiet, Chris shakes his head, what was so bad that Aria couldn't just say it? Trust them?

"You're grounded then, Ari," Chris announces crossing his arms, "the way you treated Sarah today, is not what your mother and I have taught you to treat others. You treat others with respect, and with kindness no matter what. And according to your mother you were anything but that to Sarah."

Aria doesn't say anything but moves to lay in her bed, her eyes watery, she wishes she could just come out and say it. But if Kayden doesn't believe her, neither will you or her father.

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