Chapter 3' An Evanful Vacation

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• Chapter Three •
An Evan-ful Vacation

Warnings: Fluff and angst. Flip flop between Y/n and Chris POV.


"Kayden, let's go, what's the hold up?" Chris straps Alaïa in her seat in the back of the car, while still speaking with our oldest son on the phone.

I was strapping in our 4 year old, "Excited Bubs?"

He smiles up at me, "Yes, mommy. Do you think Kayden will go on the rides with me?"

"Mmm, I think if you ask nicely." I reassure him.

"Dada, baba!" Alaïa yells at him, reaching out to touch his face.

"Babe, did you pack her milk?" He asks me, hanging up with Kayden, putting his phone back in his pocket.

I shake my head, "no. I thought you would be in charge of Alaïa's stuff and I'd take care of this cutie here," I pinch my son's cheeks.

"Alright," he sighs then looks at Alaïa who is playing with her baby doll, "I'm gonna go get your baba, okay princess?"

"O-kay, dada."

"Be right back baby." He tells me, shutting the car door closed.

"Okay—Oh andChris! Get Kayden and your daughter out here! We're leaving soon." I yell before he makes it in the house, he winks at me and walks in.

"Okay you two! Can you guys say vacation?!" I smile at my kids, I'm such a lucky mama.

"Vacation!" My youngest son puts his arms up in his car seat.

"Va-tion!" Alaïa screams.


I step into our home and grab Alaia's babas, her milk, and put them all into a bag.

After setting it on the kitchen island, I proceed to walk upstairs to where my kids rooms were.

In our LA home, there were 6 rooms. 4 for each of the kids, one big master bedroom for my lovely Y/n and myself and then one guest room for whenever Y/n's parents or my mom come to visit.

"Kayden, let's go." I knock twice, waiting for him to open the door.

He had a big sign on his bedroom door, that says "KEEP OUT."

I've been trying to get him to take it down because it just looks awful in our nice modern interior.

But then Y/n says I should allow the kids to express themselves and if that's Kayden expressing himself then, fine.

But his actions caused my daughter to do the same, so across the hall from Kayden's room lies my oldest daughter's bedroom door, with a bunch of 'aesthetic' stickers she calls it.

I rather have a nice normal white door but like I said my wife says the kids need to express themselves and I always listen to my wife so....

"Dad, do you think I'm gonna need some socks?" My son calls from the opposite side of the door.

"Socks?" I scoff, "Kayden are you packing last minute?"

I notice the door is open so I knock again before entering, and he's on his bed trying to zip up a suitcase that is overflowing with clothes.

"Hey dad." He continues to try and close it.

I walk over to his bed, and notice that his laundry hamper was empty.

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