Chapter 17' Shot Through the Heart

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Chapter 17
• Shot Through The Heart 💔

Warnings: inaccuracies about fishing, mentions of morning sickness/pregnancy, mentions of first heartbreak, being cheated on, losing your virginity, uncomfortable conversations.

• MY LOVELIES, here we are, another IWTD chapter! 💛 I must say this is one of my favorites, it's 80% Kayden & Chris just talking, but the way they connect is just so hilarious but so loving at the same time.

• You are now entering the beautiful world where you have two teenagers, two littles, a baby on the way and a hot ass husband! Lucky you! 💋

💛 • 💛 • 💛 • 💛 • 💛 • 💛

CHRIS demanded you rest, stress and anxiety is not good for the baby.

So he ran you a bath and tried to get your mind off your oldest by handing you that book you were trying to finish.

But you couldn't read, or relax. When the big question of what happened, was stuck in your mind.

So while you read or tried to read in the relaxing bath he did for you, he put the littles to sleep.

"One...two...three!" Kaleb shouts and him and Laï Laï jump into their father's arms. They were on the floor of Kaleb's room.

Chris was desperately trying to get them to sleep, so he could tend to you and your needs.

For now, Chris would tire these kids out so he could tuck them in and be done with it.

Aria went to bed a little while ago, or so she said, but currently she was nervously swaying in front of her brother's room.

Going over what to say in her head, she could hear her dad and her siblings' giggles emerge from Kaleb's room.

The light of her little brother's room lightening up the dark hallway.

Everyone lived on the second floor, that's where all rooms were, Kayden and Aria's next to each others, with Kaleb and Alaïa's room on the left side of the stairs beside each other too.

And of course her parent's bedroom, on the other side of the staircase, across from all the kids rooms.

Shakily Aria opens the door, and enters, it's dark, really dark, but with the light coming from the hallway, which was coming from Kaleb's room, Aria could at least she the frame of her brother's face.

"Came to say I told you so?" His voice was different, definitely depressed. There wasn't any sarcasm or amusement in his voice.

Aria shakes her head subtly, "no, I didn't. I came to see how you were."

Kayden doesn't say anything, just looking up at his ceiling and hearing his siblings play with his dad a few bedrooms over.

Suddenly his sister was much closer, kind of just standing at the edge of his bed, "Kayden what happened?"

Before Kayden would shut his sister out, even his parents, but right now he was so vulnerable, so upset, so disappointed.

Maybe he did need someone to feel bad for him.

"You were right," Kayden gulps, "she was seeing John B. And we got into a fight because he wouldn't shut his mouth. Sarah went to find Kie."

"Has she called you?" Aria wonders, she takes a good look at her brother, a bruise forming on his cheekbone.

"Dad took my phone. So I don't know." Kayden finally looks over at his sister, she was so worried for him, he takes a deep breath, "thank you, for...for everything. And I'm sorry. I am."

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