Chapter 8' Unexpected

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• Chapter Eight •

Warnings: mentions of being in the hospital, angst, some smut....

I went all out, please grab your snacks and a comfy place to sit!


Your mother helped you put the young ones to sleep, as Chris went to make sure the older ones were actually sleeping in their rooms - and they were to his surprise.

"Good night, Laï Laï," You rub your nose against your youngest baby's nose, she had drifted off to sleep in your arms, rocking back and forth in the rocking chair.

Your mom was reading Kaleb a story in his room, and soon enough he was asleep too.

You were applying lotion to your neck and legs, as you wore a silky robe. Chris was in bed already, waiting for you to finish showering and washing away the stress from today as you wrapped up your nighttime routine.

Before you got into the shower, you made sure your mom was all settled into the guest room. It would be a rocky few days with her here, not for you but for the kids because she was much more strict than you were with your babies.

Actually you lied before, it'd be hard for you too because your mom never liked how Chris got you pregnant in high school and took you away from the safe comfort of your childhood home. But why can't she accept that it was the BOTH of you became pregnant, you made the decision to give your virginity to Chris and you loved him - you wanted to love up on him too.

It's a natural thing, people who love each other do. Sometimes, that love expands even more and you end up with a miracle - a baby.

Chris smiled lazily at you as you walked out of the bathroom smelling like vanilla and lavender. He knew exactly what lotion it was, of course he did because he was there when you used his card for a shopping spree at Bath and Body Works.

He opened his arms and you fell into them, with your other hand moving the comforter aside so you could crawl in. Taking a deep breath, you got a whiff of Chris's cologne that managed to stay on all fucking day.

"Can I ask you something, baby?" you speak softly, rubbing your hand over his chest as he looked at the TV, listening to the latest news until he heard what you had said and lowered the volume of the TV.

"What's up, sweetheart?" He turns to face you, looking down at you a bit since you were cuddled under his left arm.

"Would you get re-married if something were to happen to me? Or if we were to fight really bad again--"

Chris stopped your words with a kiss which turned into a few more kisses. Using his strong arm he moved you closing to his warm body, resting his hand at your hip as he used his hand on his other arm to swipe his thumb against your bottom lip when he pulled away.

You were so beautiful, never has he thought anything else of you after all these years, it was the first thought that came to mind when he saw you that first day at school. Never could he imagine remarrying another woman -- because you were it for him, you understand him, you make him feel safe and happy, you were the whole entire package.

He still thought you were beautiful even if you were mad at him for doing something stupid which resulted in tiny arguments in the past. He still thought you were beautiful as you yelled at him for something dumb he did, that right now he can't even remember what that argument was about...

One thing he knew for sure was that he hated how argumentative he was and how he always wanted the last word. But still, after every fight he always ran it again in his head to analyze what made you feel that way? And what can he do to avoid it in the future...

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