Chapter 11' Operation Evans

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• Chapter Eleven •
Operation Evans'

Warnings: light smut, lots of fluff, angst! Lightly proofread, I apologize for any mistakes.

Also, I really f***ing love this book.

You wake up to the sound of the ocean waves crashing down, and the sensation of a warm breeze coming in.

Fluttering your eyes open, you blink your surroundings into focus....oh're on vacation with your husband.

After furrowing your brows and fully waking up, you snuggle more onto Chris's chest and look up at him through your lashes. He was still sleeping, his long eyelashes brushing against the top of his red cheeks, quiet snores leaving his nose.

He's even more perfect when he's sleeping.

You take the time to just admire him....and all his glory.

The sheets wrapped around his lower half with one of his calves peeking out, this was because he'd get too hot at night sometimes. You were also wrapped in a sheet but with some panties on and a cami, it felt like old times.

Before you and Chris had Kayden, you'd sleep with him only in panties and a cami, and Chris always loved to sleep naked.

You guys can't do that at home anymore because at any time, your 2 year old, 4 year old, 16 year old or 17 year old could barge in....and for their sake, it's best to have some clothes on.

His upper half on full display, rock hard abs, biceps that could choke you, and his handsome face that you fall in love with even more everyday.

You rub your fingers against his chest, just smiling up at him as you watched him sleep.

When a dirty idea came to mind, you can't help yourself, your husband is just that damn hot.

You sit up and straddle his thighs gently, bending your forefinger and hooking the sheets that were covering his lower half, you remove the sheets and pull them lower...and lower....

You hear him moan, probably because of the random cool breeze that just hit him.

You should do it more often, you thought to yourself, Chris works so hard, and he's the best father and husband you could ask for. He deserves this, and so much more.

Lowering yourself so you'd be face to face with it, you take it in your hands, gently stroking it to life.

Chris groans in his sleep, fluttering his eyes open and looking down at you.

You wrap your mouth around his tip, suckling it into your mouth and swirling your tongue around the swollen head.

"Good morning, handsome," you whisper against his shaft and he feels every vibration run through him.

• Evans Household •

Kayden arrived last night two hours after his grandmother let him go, she was very proud of him for following directions and for once...listening!

Your mom places Kaleb's eggs on his Spiderman plate, which also already had two waffles and some fruits on it.

"Here you go sweetheart," Your mom says, handing Kaleb who was sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen.

Your mom was still in pajamas, Kaleb too, and so were the girls, Aria and Alaïa.

"Tanks, Mimi," Kaleb smiles, excited to eat his waffles.

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